Chapter 32

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Part of the healing process is sharing with other people who care. —Jerry Cantrell

"So you did it for your siblings?" 

 Fola faced Timi through the darkness that encompassed the car. His hands clenched the steering wheel and a vein worked in his jaw.  It was several minutes after she told the story about her helplessness. 

"Yes," she whispered and looked away.  

Reliving her past was never an easy thing so she blocked out the memory of the day she sold her life to the devil. But for the first time since that tragic day, she told someone what happened that day. She answered the question that many people had asked her concerning her relationship with Chief Naade. 

She always knew that one day she would have to tell someone the story but she didn't imagine it would be Timi Tokunbo, her one-time bully. 

The salty taste on her lips reminded her that she was crying.  She placed a hand against her wet cheeks and wiped away her tears. 

"I don't want you to go back there," Timi said after a long stretch of silence.  

She faced him and shook her head. "That's my house. I belong there." 

"But you are in danger." Worry lines marred his forehead    

She grimaced and shook her head. "You don't need to worry, I don't think he will hurt me again today." 

"There is no guarantee. He will definitely be furious that you snuck out after he stopped you from leaving the house." 

He's right," said a small voice.  

Her shoulders slumped in defeat. Timi was right but what could she do?

"Are you sure there is no other place I can take you to?" He gazed at her with a thoughtful look. "At least for today." 

"There is," she said as an idea popped into her head.  

"Great." He cracked a smile. "Tell me." 

A smile tugged at her lips and she relaxed in her seat as she gave him all the details.  Moments later, they were back on the highway. After several minutes, the car halted in front of a gray bungalow.

Fola sighed as she stared at the house.  

"Do you want me to tag along?" Timi asked. 

"If you want." 

"I want to."  

"No problem." She picked up her purse and opened the door. 

The duo climbed out of the car and headed up the steps. Fola rang the doorbell as they reached the door. The spicy scent of the potted basil plant beside the door tickled her nose. Seconds later, the door swung open and Bisi's familiar face appeared.  

"Glenda!" Her eyes widened as she looked between Fola and Timi. "What happened?"

Fola's lips thinned and she fiddled with the straps of her bag. 

"Can we please come in?" Timi asked.  

"Of course." Bisi stepped to the side and they slipped inside.  

Fola's eyes darted around. She took in everything right from the green walls to the yellow armchair and couch parallel to each other. Bisi led them to the couch and Timi and Fola sat down simultaneously. Fola watched worry gleam in her friend's eyes.  

"Sorry, we showed up unexpectedly." She licked her lips and glanced at Bisi. "Please can I  stay over tonight?" 

Bisi's frown deepened.  "Okay…no problem. But please tell me what is going on. Are you on the run or something?" 

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