"Oh, I can't wait for tomorrow. Just one more day and we'll be married. Finally, after waiting for 3 years, you're going to be mine, Jeon Jungkook. Ah, I love you so damn much"
"And I love you too, more than anything in this world and I too can't wa...
"Waah this place is so beautiful. Seeing this in pictures and seeing it in person is different. I must say Kook, this place is perfect to get married." Hyejin commented.
The Jeon family has finally reached Daegu, where Jungkook will be getting married. Hyejin was standing outside the luxurious farmhouse resort admiring the picturesque view, when the others too joined her.
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"You're right Eomma, this place is perfect. It feels like we are in a foreign country and not in Korea. I didn't know there were such beautiful places here. Oh now I can't wait for the wedding. I'm so excited." Eunjae said, swooning while her husband chucked at her childish behavior.
"Noona, if you want, we can arrange for another wedding here for you and my brother. What say hyung, Do you want to get married to noona again?" Jungkook asked, coming towards his family.
"Well I have no problem in getting married again. But do I have to marry the same person or do I get a choice?" Jiwon joked, while laughing, but his laughter soon died down when he saw his wife's fuming expression.
"So you want another wife huh? Ok go ahead, but then I can also get married to my crush." Eunjae said, leaving a stunned Jiwon and a laughing Jungkook behind.
"Yah Eunjae-ya, what do you mean by your crush? Who the hell is that? Is he more handsome than me?" Jiwon asked, running behind his wife.
"Hanie baby, please don't grow up to be like your father." Hyejin said to the little 6 year old who was looking at his parent's running around the garden.
"Why are you guys still standing outside instead of going in? And why is Jiwon and Eunjae running around?" Jiwoo asked, confused.
"Nothing yeobo. Now come let's go inside. I am tired after that long journey. I need my beauty sleep." Hyejin said, walking away holding Hanie's hand. Jungkook and Jiwoo too followed her.
The family was waiting at the reception to collect all their room keys when a voice interrupted them.
"KOOK" Jungkook turned around to see who was calling him and immediately broke into a smile when he saw his fiancee running towards him. He jumped on his fiancee hugging him like a koala, while the others just watched amused.
"I missed you"
"I missed you" They both said at the same time and broke out into laughter once again.
"You just saw him 2 days ago and you both are acting like you're seeing each other after a decade." Jiwon said, cringing at the open display of love.
"You're just jealous hung, because noona doesn't miss you when you go on business trips like my Jae." Jungkook said, showing his tongue.
"Aish these kids will start their quarrels anywhere. Jae, come here son." Hyejin called, opening her arms for a hug.
"How was your journey eomma? Are you tired?" Minjae questioned, after giving a tight hug to his future mother in law.