21) The Wicked Witch

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"So, that was a very interesting dinner you invited me for. Tell me one thing. Are all the dinner's in your home always this entertaining, or yesterday was a one time special deal?" Taehyung glared at his idiot friend who had decided to barge into his cabin once again asking stupid questions.

"What do you think?" he asked, sarcastically.

"Well, I think I like your friends very much. They're not afraid of you and aren't scared to speak their mind. I have to say that I was very impressed. We even exchanged numbers after you oh so graciously threw us out. I'm even thinking of starting a group chat with just the three of us. I'll call it "The Most Oppressed Sufferers of Anarchy and Dictatorship or in short 'The MOSAD.' it has a certain weight to it, don't you think?"

"I have an even better name for it, 'The Three Idiots.' On another thought, maybe I should start maintaining my distance from you three morons, incase the KCIA decides to show up at my doorstep." Taehyung said, wondering how he even became friends with him.

"Hahaha, very funny. Your sense of humor is improving. I think it's all my influence. You know girls love a dude with a great sense of humor. Maybe we could both...." Taehyung interrupted, before Hobi could finish talking.

"Let me stop you right there. First of all don't ever say 'Dude' and second, not happening. Whatever is cooking in your semi developed brain, keep it to yourself or even better, why don't you call 'The MOSAD.' as you put it and leave me out of everything."

"This is exactly why you're still single. Who would want to date an emotionally constipated man. And I really hope you got constipation after eating all the cheesecake by yourself." Hobi said, glaring at Taehyung.

"Yes and it was very delicious. It's sad you didn't get to eat it." Taehyung smirked.

"Smirk all you want. But you know Karma is a bitch and it'll definitely catch up to you."

"Did you barge into my room to tell me this? It's too early in the morning for me to deal with you. I need atleast two cups of coffee for that."

"As much as you think that I have so much free time to just waste it on you, that's not why I am here. I came here to tell you something yesterday, but you distracted me with your essay on 'how perfect your Bunny is' that I completely forgot why I came here in the first place. And even now you're distracting me with all the talks, making me forget what I wanted to tell you." Taehyung looked at Hobi like he had just lost his mind.

"Anyways, I came here to ask you if you have heard anything about this year's Annual Fundraising Gala for the Hospital?" Hobi asked, making Taehyung pissed.

"Why the hell are you asking about the Gala now? It happens at the end of December and we're still in October. There's still two months to go. And if you're asking me if I'm going, then yes I'm going. It's not like I have a choice. Apparently I'm the face of the hospital." Taehyung said, irritated even thinking about mingling with a bunch of rich, snobby and uptight businessmen with their superiority complex and an Ego to match the size of their wallets. He hates these things. And it also doesn't help that he has to smile and talk with these snobs to try and get them to empty their big fat wallets."

"It's really a curse, isn't it. To be born with the looks that could rival a Greek God and to be paraded around as a trophy by the hospital chairman all night long to be oggled and marveled at every turn, like you're a piece of meat. It really is hard, but it's something you and I need to get accustomed to. It's not other's fault that we are so handsome. Haven't you heard the saying, "With great beauty comes great responsibility" and sadly, you and I have to bear that huge responsibility on our shoulders. I just hope that I don't break too many hearts that day. Sometimes I wish I had a couple of clones of myself, then I could make everyone happy and everyone could get a piece of me."

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