37) Evil Eyes

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SoHee was waiting for a perfect chance to execute her plan. She had been trailing behind Taehyung like an invisible shadow ever since he stepped inside the event hall, her sharp eyes observing his every action without missing a thing. She had seen how Taehyung had claimed that boy as his boyfriend when someone had tried to flirt with the said boy. And for the first time in her life she felt indescribable hatred in her heart for a complete stranger. She looked at the boy carefully, trying to see what Taehyung saw in him. What was it about the boy that melted the cold heart of taehyung?

At first she thought that maybe it was her, maybe she wasn't beautiful enough. But that thought went out the window when she was hit on by multiple people at the party from the time she stepped into the room. If this was the old her she would've enjoyed all the attention and would've probably had some fun with some rich, handsome guy. But this time she wasn't interested in the attention she received from random males, but wanted it from one specific male, who wasn't even aware of her presence and even if he was, he wouldn't even spare her a glance.

But she had already made up her mind. She was going to have Kim Taehyung tonight, by hook or by crook. And she was waiting for that perfect opportunity, which she got when Taehyung was ordering his drinks. She was sitting two seats away on the bar counter, listening in on his order. He had ordered one mocktail and one cocktail and she didn't need to guess which one was Taehyung's. She had then proceeded to go behind the counter pretending to search for something she had dropped by mistake on the other side.

She peeked from behind the counter to see what Taehyung was doing and saw that he was busy on his phone. She used that chance and distracted the bartender who was making the drinks and managed to slip two pills into one of the drinks and slipped away the moment her work was done. Now there was only one thing left for her to do and that was getting him away from that boy who he came with. And she had already planned how she was going to do that. So for now all she had to do was relax and wait for the inevitable to happen.

But to her horror all of her hopes of getting Taehyung into her bed died when she saw him bumping into some idiot which resulted in him dropping the drinks. She fumed in anger and cursed the stupid male who ruined her plans. She thought she would get another chance to spike his drink, when she saw Taehyung coming to order his drinks once again. But she dropped that plan as soon as she saw that it was the same bartender who was taking the order and he might suspect something if she went inside once again.

From then she was just waiting and praying for a golden opportunity and to her luck she got the perfect one when Taehyung himself left the drinks unattended on their table and went away somewhere dragging his boyfriend along. She smirked and slowly made her way towards the table. She carefully scanned her surroundings to make sure that nobody was paying attention to her, before removing a bottle from her purse. She took out two pills out of the bottle and dropped it into one of the glasses and watched it sink and melt slowly, before getting up and walking away from the table. There was only one thing to do now, wait.

 There was only one thing to do now, wait

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