63) Back to You

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"Kook, baby, can I come in?" Hyejin asked, knocking on Jungkook's door.

"You don't have to ask, Eomma."

"How are you feeling, Kook?" she asked, sitting down next to him.

"I'm fine, Eomma. Why do you ask?" Jungkook asked, not meeting her eyes.

"I'm your mother, Kook and I can tell when my kids are fine and when they're pretending to be fine. I know I can't even imagine what you must've gone through, but you're still my baby, Kook and I want you to share your problems with me. It hurts us to see our once bubbly and sweet kid this depressed and shutting himself off from us. These past eight months were hell for us and there wasn't a day where I haven't thought of you or wished to trade places with you. But, now you're back home, with your family and nothing and no one can hurt you now. You're safe now. So, please forget all the bad things that happened and try to live in the present, Kook. Let us help you, Kook. Don't shut us out anymore."

Jungkook hugged his mother tightly as tears flowed down his face. He felt guilty for hiding things from his family. He doesn't want to hurt them, even though he knows it is inevitable at this point. He can't go back to the way he was. This accident didn't just took away his memories, but it also changed him as a whole. He wasn't Jeon Jungkook anymore. He was Bunny. Taehyung's Bunny. And no one can change that. Not even him.

"I'm sorry, Eomma, for making you all worry. I'm sorry for everything." Hyejin hugged her son close and let him cry it out.

"You don't have to say sorry, Kook. If anything it should be us to say sorry. We never should've given up searching for you. If we hadn't done that, then maybe you wouldn't have to go through so many hardships." Hyejin said, consoling him..

"No, Eomma, that's not true. Yes, I had lost my memory, but I didn't have to go through any hardships because of that, infact, I was lucky to have found Taehyung Hyung. These eight months with him and Eunie were the happiest moments of my life. I never felt alone for even a second with them. They treated me like I was a part of their family. Never once I felt like I didn't have anyone because of them. I was really happy, Eomma." Hyejin didn't know how to feel about that as this was the first time she saw genuine smile on Jungkook's face ever since his return. She was happy that he was atleast smiling even if the reason was someone else.

"I'm happy that you had someone to lean on when we weren't there for you. But, now we're here. So, you won't ever have to look outside for support." Jungkook badly wanted to correct her and say that Taehyung is not an outsider, atleast not to him, but he held his tongue, knowing well that this isn't the right time. He simply laid his head on her lap, while she continued to caress his hair.

"I missed this, you know. Spending time with you and just talking about everything and nothing." Hyejin said with a soft smile on her lips. These moments which she had taken for granted previously meant everything to her now.

"Eomma, can I ask you something?" Jungkook asked after hesitating a bit.

"You can ask me anything, Kook. And when did we have all these formalities between us? Just ask away."

"How did you know that Appa was the one for you? I mean how were you sure that he is the one you love and there is no one you can love the way you love him?"

"Well, you already know how we met and how we fell in love. But, to answer your question on how I know he was the one for me without an ounce of doubt, well I don't know how to explain it. It's an indescribable feeling. More than butterflies in your stomach or increased heart beats, it's a feeling of belonging. Like you have found your place in this world and you're exactly where you're supposed to be. That's what I feel when I'm with your Appa. In short, he's my home. I don't know if that answers your question, but that's what I feel." Jungkook closed his eyes and smiled as he got his answer. Everytime he thought of Taehyung, his heart would fill with an overwhelming feeling, which was beyond love and no matter how many times he had tried to put a name to that feeling, he never could. But now he knows. Home. Taehyung is his home. It was as simple as that.

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