13) Inquiry

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"What's with the creepy smirk?" Taehyung asked, not understanding why Yoongi was looking at him like he had committed a crime.

"You tell me. Is there something that you want to tell me?" Yoongi questioned, cryptically.

"When did you start talking in riddles? Get to the point." Taehyung said, annoyed at his friend's antics.

"Alright, I'll come straight to the point then. What's going on between you and that boy? Are you sure he is just Eunie's caretaker and nothing else?" Taehyung looked at Yoongi in confusion at his question.

"What else would he be?" Taehyung asked.

"That's what I'd like to know. You are different with him. You worry about him, something that you've never done with any of the previous caretakers. You even got angry at him when he said he'll cook. The worry and concern in your eyes and voice didn't feel like something you'd feel for a mere stranger. So, I'm asking you once again, are you sure he's just a caretaker for you?" Yoongi asked, making Taehyung look at him dumbfounded.

"What kind of nonsense are you sprouting? He was hurt badly, so ofcourse I'd be worried, especially since it happened under my roof and it was my daughter who hurt him and how could I let him cook with his injured hand. It'll make his injuries worse and he's not a mere stranger. I may only know him for a day, but he has managed to earn my trust in just one day and you too saw how he was with Eunie right? Even after she hurt him, he didn't say anything to me and even asked me to not punish her. So get your lawyer brain out of the gutter and stop seeing conspiracy in everything." Taehyung huffed.

"If you trusted him, then why did you accuse him in the first place? You were about to throw him out of the house without even listening to him. If you didn't come to know about his injury, he would be on the road right now." Yoongi said, making Taehyung guilty.

"I do trust him, but when it comes to Eunie, I act first and think later and I know I shouldn't have done that, and I really regret my actions and I've also apologized to him even though just a mere apology is not enough and I'm glad that he's willing to do this job even after everything."

"Well it's not like he has any other option. Where is he going to go? You yourself said that he doesn't remember anything about his past and he doesn't have any identity with him, so no matter what happens he'll just have to suck it up and stay put." Yoongi said, making Taehyung frown.

"You're making it sound like I'm taking advantage of his situation and ill treating him just because he has nowhere else to go." Taehyung said, annoyed at Yoongi.

"Well you are, taking advantage of him, but then so is he. He is taking advantage of your kindness and your big heart. I mean who else would hire him, let alone allow him to stay in their home. So I guess in a way you are both taking advantage of each other." Yoongi said, making Taehyung roll his eyes.

"You know your lawyer brain is showing too much today. Just because we need each other doesn't mean we're taking advantage of each other. I'll never do that to someone. If I had an ounce of doubt that he's not what he's showing me, I'd have never hired him no matter how desperate I'm and you didn't even speak 2 words to him and yet you're judging him solely based on his current situation. It's not his fault that he lost his memories. Instead of sympathising with him, you are accusing him of having ulterior motives. I expected this from Jimin but not from you. You're supposed to be the sensible one." Taehyung said, angrily while Yoongi just smirked at him.

"Are you sure he's just a caretaker?" Yoongi asked once again, making Taehyung lose his mind.

"YAH MIN YOONGI, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU TODAY." Taehyung yelled, while Yoongi just burst out laughing.

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