"Oh, I can't wait for tomorrow. Just one more day and we'll be married. Finally, after waiting for 3 years, you're going to be mine, Jeon Jungkook. Ah, I love you so damn much"
"And I love you too, more than anything in this world and I too can't wa...
"What's going on here?" Jungkook turned around to see the person who interrupted and gasped as he remembered who it was. But before he could give a reply, the receptionist answered for him.
"Sir, this man here is disrupting everyone here. He says his daughter is injured, but when I'm asking him to provide an ID for verification purposes, he denied and instead started arguing with me. He even lied about this girl being Dr. Kim's daughter." The woman said, smirking at him.
"You, I remember you. You're that insolent and mannerless boy from the party. You had quite a tongue on you that day. Looks like you invite trouble wherever you go. But this isn't a party for you to create a scene. This is a hospital. People come here to heal and you're being a hindrance to that right now." Mr. Ahn said with anger.
"Sir, I'm really sorry for whatever I said to you during the party. I didn't know who you were. But I'm not lying about her being Dr. Kim's daughter. You saw me at the party. So, you know that I was with Dr. KIm. Please help her. She's already in so much pain and instead of helping her, your staff here is wasting time on formalities. I told her that I forgot to bring my ID with me and if she doesn't believe me then she can call the OT and ask Dr. Kim himself. But she isn't doing that either. Please Sir. Please help my daughter." Jungkook begged desperately.
"First you said she is Dr. Kim's daughter and now you're saying she is your daughter. Which one is it? It doesn't matter anyways. Because we can't change our hospital rules for anyone, no matter whoever it is. So, I suggest you better go and come back with an ID or take her to some other hospital." Jungkook looked at the man in disbelief. How could someone be so cruel as to turn a blind eye to a child's cries.
"Are you blind? Can't you see a child is injured and crying in pain? How can you call yourself a doctor and yet have no compassion in your heart? If this is how you treat the family of your own colleagues, then what kind of treatment can these strangers expect? Dr. Kim is the most renowned and respected doctor of this hospital and yet when his own daughter is injured, this hospital refuses to treat her. Is it because I said some harsh words to you back in the party? Did it hurt your fragile ego so much that you'd take it out on a defenceless child rather than act like a mature adult? What do you want me to do, huh? Beg? Then I'm ready to do that too. Just tell me what would it take for you to treat my daughter?" Mr. Ahn was fuming in anger as Jungkook finished talking. He looked around and he could see everyone looking at them and whispering and it fueled his anger even more.
"How dare you? You are standing in my hospital and showing me attitude. Now I'll show you what I can do. SECURITY." Mr. Ahn screamed and within seconds there were two security guards standing in front of him.
"Throw this boy out of this hospital and make sure he doesn't come in." He said, pointing at Jungkook, who widened his eyes hearing that.
"What? NO. You can't do this. Stop. DON'T TOUCH ME." Jungkook screamed as the guards held him from both sides. He clutched Eunie to himself more tightly, afraid that they might hurt her as she started crying louder. The guards kept pulling him towards the exit as he kept struggling to free himself, hoping that someone would help him. But to his dismay, everyone just kept watching, instead of trying to help him. Tears blurred his vision as they kept pulling him roughly, making him stumble and fall forward. He closed his eyes and held Eunie closer as he waited to hit the floor, but instead he fell into someone's hard chest, who held him tightly to his chest.
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