33) Confrontation

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"Are you going to keep silent for the whole night? Because trust me, I'm not leaving here without an explanation." Jimin said, looking at the two statues in front of him. Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting together, while Jimin and Yoongi were sitting opposite to them on the couch, looking rather intimidating. Taehyung looked at his two friends, knowing very well that they weren't going to let this go and to be honest he was kind of relieved that they found out about them, although this is not exactly how he had hoped for them to find out.

"Bun, you can go inside if you don't wish to be here while I talk to them." Taehyung offered, seeing that Jungkook was practically crushing his hand in his hold. Jungkook looked at him for the first time since they sat down and shook his head no. Even though he was nervous and stressed out, he wasn't going to leave Taehyung alone to deal with their questions.

"Are you sure?" Taehyung asked once again just to make sure that Jungkook wasn't forcing himself, while Jimin and Yoongi looked at their interaction with open mouths. They couldn't believe this is the same Taehyung who refused to even look at another person let alone date them, after his wife's passing, no matter how many times both Jimin and Yoongi had tried. And even when he did agree to date for the sake of his daughter, he had strictly told them that if he was to get married again, it'd be only for his daughter and not for him, because he could never love another person. But looking at him now, it doesn't look like he is doing this just for Eunie.

Taehyung's eyes tells them that he is in love. This is what they had both wanted for him. They wanted him to move on and fall in love once again and be happy like he used to be. But now that it has actually happened, they couldn't bring themselves to be happy, especially Jimin. He wants his best friend to be happy and he can see the reason for his newfound happiness clearly on his face. And he hopes to God that this time it won't be taken away from him.

"I know you both want answers and I'll answer all your questions. But before that I just want to say one thing. I love him. I really don't know how or when it happened. All I know is that I Love him and he loves me too." Taehyung said, looking into Jungkook's eyes, making him teary eyed.

"How long has this been going on? Is this why you always defended him?" Jimin asked, trying to understand how and when this would've happened.

"I defended him because he didn't do anything to anyone to receive all those accusations. And about how long we've been together, then it's just been two weeks. But to be honest, I had fallen for him much longer than that. So, like the stubborn ass that I am, I tried to stay away from him and ignore him. I thought that if I stayed away then whatever feelings I had for him would eventually go away. But that never happened. Infact, my feelings for him only got stronger over the period of time. In the end, I was forced to accept my feelings and once I did, I confessed to him and he too accepted me.

You know Jimin, you were the first person I wanted to tell after I confessed to him and he accepted me. But I wanted to just keep it close to my heart for a while and also I was afraid that you may not accept my decision." Jimin just listened to him silently, without any expression on his face. Although he was kind of hurt that Taehyung hid this from him, he understood his reasons behind it. Hell, even now as Taehyung was talking about how he fell in love, all Jimin could think about was 'what'll happen if this doesn't work out.'

"And what if I don't accept this relationship? What'll you do?" Jimin asked, wanting to know his answer, although he already knew the answer. Taehyung froze at that question, while Jungkook already had tears in his eyes. His grip on Taehyung's hands tightened automatically, seeking comfort from him.

"I won't leave him if that's what you are asking, Jimin. You know everything about me. So you know how difficult it is for me to open my heart for someone else once again. And if I have done that despite all my fears, then you should know how important he is to me. You are not just my best friend, but also my family. And I really want you to accept my choice. I need my brother with me. So, what do you say, Jimin? Do you accept this relationship?" Taehyung asked, with a straight face, although he was dying inside due to nervousness. He may not show it, but Jimin's opinion matters a lot to him and he really hoped his best friend would stand with him and support him with his choice.

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