"Oh, I can't wait for tomorrow. Just one more day and we'll be married. Finally, after waiting for 3 years, you're going to be mine, Jeon Jungkook. Ah, I love you so damn much"
"And I love you too, more than anything in this world and I too can't wa...
"Hyejin-ah, please try to understand. Do you think I want to do this? Do you think it's not killing me just as much as you? You tell me what we should do and we'll do it." Jiwoo said, his heart breaking with each word.
The Jeon's had returned to Seoul, after the officials had closed Jungkook's case as accidental drowning. Hyejin had refused to leave from there without her son, but after many efforts from her family, she finally agreed to return back home. But when her husband had told her that they should hold a burial service for their son, she lost her mind.
'How could they even think that? How can a mother bury her own son and that too an empty casket? No, I won't ever agree to this.' Hyejin thought.
"You won't understand, nobody who is not a mother can never understand the pain of losing one's child and then to ask me to bury an empty casket, never. I'll never accept that. If my son is dead, then bring me his body. Until and unless I see him with my own eyes I won't ever accept that he is no more. Fate has already taken too much from me, but to deny me the chance to atleast see him one last time and say a final goodbye, I won't accept that. You wanted me to return back to Seoul, I did. But if you or anyone else force me to accept this, I'll leave this home and you'll never see me again." Hyejin promised, before walking away.
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Taehyung had returned back to his cabin after talking with his daughter's caretaker. He had to stay in his car for sometime to calm his heart beats and steady his breathing. Even though none of the horrible scenarios he had cooked up in his brain had come to pass, he was shaken up nonetheless. He decided to have a talk with the caretaker when he reached home. He really needed to set some ground rules and buy him a damn phone, so that he won't panic and have a heart attack the next time something like this happens.
He didn't have many patients today, so he decided to finish all his pending paperworks as much as he could, so he could go home a bit early and spend some time with his daughter. He was immersed in his work when the door to his room opened and someone who he wasn't eager to see walked in.
"Didn't they teach you manners in school, Ms. Ahn? Don't you know you should knock before coming into a senior doctor's office?" he asked with irritation, lacing his voice.
SoHee was taken aback by the sudden comment, but she composed herself before answering.
"I apologize Dr. Taehyung. I was worried because I saw you running out of the hospital and thought to check on you. Is everything alright?"
"Dr. Kim." Taehyung said, making her confused.
"Pardon." she asked.
"It's Dr. Kim for you Ms. Ahn. You're neither my relative nor my friend to call me by my first name. You're a resident and I'm a senior attendant. The only relationship we have is that of a teacher and a student. So I suggest you remember that before you barge into my room without permission the next time. And one more thing, keep your nose out of my personal business and do the job that you're hired to do. You may leave now." he said, dismissing her.