18) Brighter Days

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One Month Later

They say that 'Silence is Deafening' and Jiwoo could finally understand the meaning behind that statement. Silence and more silence, that's the only thing left in their life now. Gone were the days when laughter rang through this house, when their dinner table were filled with everyone talking over each other, with playful fighting while they talked about everything and anything under the sun. But now, the only sounds in the room were coming from the spoons hitting the plate, while the family ate in complete silence.

The room was so silent that they could practically hear the sounds of their own breathing and Jiwoo loathed it, every second of it. He hated how everyone in this home has practically become living dead, eating and breathing just to survive. And as much as he loved his son and would forever miss him, he couldn't see the rest of his family just wasting away. And with that thought he made up his mind.

"ENOUGH." Jiwoo yelled, slamming his fists on the table, startling everyone.

"Appa, what's wrong? What happened?" Jiwon asked, worried about his father's sudden outburst. The only person who didn't bother to show any emotion was Hyejin, who kept silently eating her food, not paying attention to anything that was happening.

"Jiwon, Namjoon, I want you both to do something immediately." Jiwoo said, addressing them both. Namjoon looked at Jin in confusion before looking at Jiwoo. Jin and Namjoon didn't return back to their home after coming back to Seoul. They have been living with the Jeon family for the past month. Jin didn't want to leave his cousins family alone at a time like this and Namjoon too agreed since he too considered Jungkook his own brother.

"What is it Uncle?" asked Namjoon.

"I want you and Jiwon to arrange a funeral this weekend." There was pin drop silence as soon as Jiwoo said that. Hyejin stilled the moment those words fell in her ears and Jiwon looked at his father with teary eyes.

"Appa, what are you saying? How can we.." Jiwoo stopped him from speaking further by showing his palm.

"I don't want to hear anything from anyone about this. I have already made my decision. We are having a funeral for Jungkook this weekend and that's final. Namjoon, I want you to oversee all the arrangements for the funeral and Jiwon, I want you to inform all of our relatives and business associates. It's something that we should've done a month ago, but I'm not delaying it any longer." Jiwoo said, with finality.

"NO, You can't do that. I won't agree to this. I told you before that if you try to do this I'll leave this home and never come back. Don't make me do that." Hyejin said, yelling with tears streaming down her face. Jin and Eunjae immediately ran towards her, trying to comfort Hyejin while they themselves had tears in their eyes.

"Go ahead, I won't stop you if you want to leave this house. But you are not stopping me from sending off my son and giving him a funeral." Jiwoo said, turning his face away from his wife, unable to see the tears in her eyes. His own heart was hurting badly, but he ignored it.

"Sending off your son? The only thing you'll be sending off will be an empty coffin." Hyejin spat, angrily.

"Better that than do nothing at all. What do you want us to do huh? Keep on living like we've been doing for this past month? Jungkook is dead and he's never coming back. Can't you see that your denial to accept the truth is slowly killing our family? Or do you think that you are the only one who lost him? I have already lost a part of my heart. I don't want to lose anymore. I want my happy family back. Or is that too much to ask? Do you think Jungkook would want us to suffer for the rest of our lives like this? Do you think he'll be happy seeing his family slowly die and wither? I'm begging you Hyejin, please let us send him away. We need to give our final goodbyes, so his soul can rest in peace. We all need this closure to finally start living. Please." Jiwoo begged, finally breaking down in tears that he has been holding in from the day he learned of Jungkook's accident.

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