70) Euphoria

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The room was filled with silence as the family stood around the room at a safe distance from Jungkook as they watched him hold the little girl in his arms tighter to himself. Jungkook didn't even look up once after his family entered the room. He was too nervous and scared to do so. After what seemed like an eternity, thankfully the silence in the room was broken by Jin who had enough of the two elder's silence.

"How are you feeling now, Kook? And who is this cutie with you?" Jin asked, making both the Jeon couple relieved.

"I'm fine, Hyung. And she is Haneun, my daughter." Jungkook answered, making the other's shock.

"She is really pretty, right Joonie?" Jin said, pinching Namjoon's arm to make him say something other than stand with an open mouth. Namjoon flinched, but managed to come out of the shock as he spoke to Jungkook.

"Where is Taehyung Hyung, Kook? I thought he was with you." Namjoon asked, trying to bring down the heavy tension in the room.

"He's getting food for me." Jungkook answered, looking anywhere but at his parents. Both Hyejin and Jiwoo seemed to be at a loss for words. They didn't know how to begin the conversation with their own son and they were still in shock when Jungkook called the little girl as his daughter. It was too much for them to digest in such a short amount of time. But, they knew they needed to talk if they wished to have any relationship with their son and for that they needed to apologize first. After debating among themselves, Hyejin decided to start the conversation.

"Kook." Jungkook tensed immediately as his mother called his name and he looked up at her warily.

"I don't know where to start or what to say other than we're sorry. We should've let you explain instead of losing our temper like that. And we never should've said what we said to you either. As parents, we only want what's best for our children. But, we have to accept that sometimes we may be wrong in assuming that we know what's best and what isn't. I know that we can't change what happened and take back our words, but we'd atleast like a chance to apologize. I'm sorry, baby. We were supposed to protect you and support you no matter what. But, we failed in that. We failed as parents. Please forgive us." Jungkook was in tears after hearing his mother. He never thought that his parents would accept him after knowing the truth.

"Eo..eomma, please don't say sorry, Eomma. I deserved your anger. You were right to be angry. I disappointed you guys and I'm sorry for that. But, please don't ask me to choose, Eomma. I can't leave them. They're my life, Eomma."

"Kook, please don't cry, baby. It's not good for your baby." Hyejin said, trying to console Jungkook, who immediately looked at her in shock.

"You know?" He asked, wondering how long have they known about this.

"Yes, we know, baby. We're here in the hospital since yesterday. We never left. My little baby is not so little anymore, huh? He has become a grown up. Kook, I know that we didn't support you before, but please give us a chance to correct our mistake. Come back home. It'll also give us a chance to get to know Taehyung and this little girl here." Jungkook couldn't believe what he was hearing. His parents wants to give them a chance and they want to get to know Taehyung. He looked at his father, who was standing quietly by the side, to make sure that he wasn't hearing things. But what he saw broke his heart even more. There stood his father with his head hung low and with tears in his eyes.

"A..appa." He called out tentatively, making Jiwoo look at him with teary eyes.

"Please don't cry, Appa. I'm sorry for hurting you, Appa. Punish me however you want, but please don't cry. It hurts me to see tears in your eyes." Jiwoo broke down in tears as he heard what his son said. Even after saying so many hurtful words to him, his Kook still loves him and he feels ashamed of himself. He immediately went closer to the bed and hugged Jungkook tightly, mumbling hundreds of sorry's. Hyejin left the father-son alone as she stepped away with tears in her eyes.

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