Woomy #19: Laughter

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That same evening, Nova remained slouched on the couch, mindlessly watching whatever it was that was playing. After learning a little bit more about Squidmas from Parker from their little hangout session, he had thought long and hard what to get Nagi, as well as his fellow agents in the Squidbeak Splatoon. Especially for Pearl and Marina. 

"We haven't talked in awhile huh...?" Nova thought to himself, raising his hand in the air to change the channel. 

He managed to come up with something nice for Nagi, which he hid underneath his bed in his room, but still had yet to get the others their presents. As he flicked through the tv's channels, a brief black screen would take place in the interval of the change and allowed Nova to see himself.  He was slouched over the couch like a starfish, and quickly repositioned himself which just ended up him turning into his octopus form. Now he was just an octopus slouching over the couch with a remote in one of the tentacle's grasp. 

 To his surprise, Nagi had been home before he had, since Nova expected the inkling would've been out for longer since she woke up later in the morning. But then again, maybe she was still tired. The octoling's mind had then suddenly shifted to the fact that he had seen her and Draco together outside. 8 couldn't remember a time that they hung out outside of work, as he was only informed by 3 when 3 was partnered with Agent 4, so he found it strange. He had meant to ask her earlier about it, but Nagi was locked in her room, and the octoling decided to not disturb her. 

The apartment was dark, mainly because it was already dark outside,  with the only light outside of the rooms being the blaring of the television. The living room was lightly organized besides the couch Nova rested on. In actuality, that was a lie, since the boxes Nova had initially moved out from the guest room that first night were still there in the corner, alongside the pile of weapons that Nagi owned that had rested next to said boxes. There were a couple of dishes still resting in the kitchen sink, and some still had yet to be dried, which Nova had told himself he'd get to in a bit. But after today's search for his present had made him tired, all the more from his walking.

Nova, popping back into his octoling form, sat up in the sofa, staring at the bright screen. Before him played another advertisement of that one billboard he had pointed out a couple days before, showing some footage in action. The same inkling had the signature black and white Splattershot from the advertisements everywhere, and was displaying an action sequence followed with explosions in the background. Remembering that he heard inklings left and right talking about it as he walked around with Parker in Inkopolis, it peaked the octoling's excitement to go see the film, especially with Nagi.

Hearing a door creak open behind him, Nova jumped curiously and glanced backwards. There, Nagi stood, adjusting a hoodie over herself and adjusting her Studio Headphones, lightly tapping on the sides of them. After muttering something about the audio failing on them to herself, she had met eyes with the octoling in the dark living room. 

"Where ya going?" Nova asked curiously, noticing that she had her sneakers on. 

"To the convenience store." She responded, tilting her head a bit. The inkling eyed the boxes in the corner and back at Nova. "The one we always walk past to and from work," 3 clarified.

"The one with that one chip ad with a mustache-wearing jelly?"

"Yes, exactly." Nagi confirmed, though found it strange how they both remembered such minuscule detail.

"Snacks?" 8 asked with a visible smile, beginning to stand up. The inkling nodded in return, her eyes only made visible with the brightness of the screen. "Can I..come with..?" 

Their orange eyes stared into each other's silently, before a small smile had developed on Agent 3's face. Nodding, 3 said, "Just get a coat, it's chilly tonight."

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