Woomy #4: Home

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"H-Hey 3, are we getting close?" He asked, his breaths getting heavier as they walked up the long incline. Agent 3 continued, giving a subtle nod but not turning to actually look at him. He sighed, but brightened up a bit recognizing the Squid Sister's voices singing their songs throughout the streets.

They walked past another convenience store, it's window having a poster sponsoring a snack brand. The mascot was a little jelly with a mustache with what he believed was a happy face. The product in question was a long can of what the poster claimed was "chips." His stomach rumbled. 8's eyes then looked around inside, seeing another inkling purchasing a beverage from a jellyfish. Another red and white sign caught his eye passing the other window.

"Help wanted.." He whispered under his breath.

After what Nova believed was 3 minutes, they stopped at the front door of a tall, but not so wide building with many windows. It didn't seem old or worn down, and many lights could be spotted on from numerous windows. They stepped in, walked through the halls, took an elevator and stopped at the 4th floor. Agent 3 walked forward, fishing in her short's pocket for something, and pulled out a key attached to a lanyard. A small, green squid hung from it as well. Nova found it amusing, and let out a puff of air as to hold back a chuckle.

Her head whipped around and their eyes met. "What's funny?" She asked plainly, but as far as he knew, there wasn't a hint of dislike in her voice. Nova cleared his throat and quickly avoided eye contact. "...nothing," was all that was said.

She fit the key into the golden door knob, and slowly turned it. The door itself began to open up with 3 standing aside as to let the octoling walk in first. Agent 3 carefully observed him as he stepped in and examined the place. His eyes looked around, learning the format at the place and looked back at her with a small grin.

"Well, this is home," Agent 3 simply stated in a rather monotone voice. "Sorry I didn't tidy up, I wasn't expecting guests."

Nova took another moment to look at the place after reassuring her that it was fine. A little bit forward to his right was a small kitchen, a small table in the middle with one side having three seats to eat at and the other side a sink. The sink itself had a small pile of dishes, and the drying rack itself had a somewhat pile up of drying/dried dishes. Besides the randomly stacked plates, everything else was normal. A stove, oven, microwave, and fridge. Moving a little bit more forward, it led to the living room. The living room itself had a pillows scattered between the two small sofas, the tv blared a large "No Input" sign, and there were some stacks of paper on the coffee table. What caught his eye was the pile of weapons Agent 3 had sitting in the corner of the living room."I wonder why she has so many?" Was the only thing the octoling questioned. Agent 3 was in fact, not very organized.

Suddenly, Nova's stomach rumbled loudly. His own stomach had revealed what he felt and Agent 3 raised a brow. It was much to her surprise that he never mentioned anything about being hungry, despite the fact that she herself was pretty hungry herself after her long day. Now that she gave it some more thought, her body felt pretty tired, even though she was passed out with no injuries (surprisingly). Slowly, she made her way inside to the kitchen, locking the door behind her, and opening the freezer. The octoling continued to stare at the inkling as she rummaged through said freezer, the icy mist swiftly escaping. Agent 3 then pulled out a red frozen box, which 8 would soon find out to be a frozen pepperoni pizza, and promptly preparing it and setting it into the microwave.

"N-No, it's okay. I'm not hungry," Nova lied, feeling as if though he was being a nuisance. The microwave hummed softly. "Take a seat," Agent 3 had said in a soft voice after giving a yawn and ignoring his obvious lie. Her finger pointed at the table, more specifically the empty seat in front of her. 8 complied.

The inkling made her way to the living room, switching the tv on to some show for background noise. Nova watched her as she organized the pictures and attempted to find a place to put them. Pacing back and forth with the stack, she gave a sigh, then another yawn, gave up and placed them back where they were originally. The microwave's timer eventually ticked down to zero, and Agent 3 had placed it on the table, ready for it to be eaten. Nova stared at the melting cheese and the steam coming off of the slices with an ever growing rumbling.

"Dig in." 3 offered, taking the seat on the opposite side where Nova had sat, leaving the empty middle chair between them.

The pair chewed their microwaved pizza, with the occasional burning of mouths. Though neither of them made a comment about..anything really. Nova wanted to talk about something, he had no idea what, but it'd sure beat the silence.

"W-What's your name..?" He asked out of the blue.


"Your name, I..I never got it," Nova clarified, now beginning to be hesitant. 3 turned back to her slice, taking a bite, and locked eyes with the octoling. It seemed as if she gave it some thought, as if 3 had never given someone her name before.

He started feeling nervous staring into her orangey eyes, and looked back down at the plate. Taking another bite, he got his response.

"I'll let you know once we get to know each other better."

Nova nodded understandably. From what he observed throughout this entire time was that 3 was not very sociable, and kept a lot to herself. He hoped that maybe at some point the awkward silences would turn into comfortable ones. That didn't mean he didn't want to talk either though, but neither did he want to force her out into a conversation if she didn't want to. Taking a bite, a cheese string formed.

His eyes curiously looked around once more, still taking in that this would be his home, at least for now. He didn't mind the disorganized items all over the place, Nova himself wasn't the neatest person ever as well. If 3 wanted help to tidy up the place, he wouldn't mind helping her.

His head turned back to 3, who was in the process of chewing and picking up her dirty dish, and flashed an innocent smile. 3 had caught the smile out of the corner of her eye, and surprisingly enough, made her want to too. Not a big one though.

"I got it." 8 declared, stuffing his face with the pizza crust and picking up his plate. The octoling made his way over to the other side of the kitchen table where the sink was. He noted how he was a little bit taller than her as he extended his hand towards 3, and placed both plates in the sink. The inkling nodded thanks, and sat back down across from him.

She rested her head on top of her crossed arms and carefully observed the octoling as he washed the dishes. After eating that pizza, she felt even more tired and occasionally would catch herself forcing her eyes open and jumping awake.

The tv continued playing in the living room, which was visible from the kitchen itself. Nova's eyes were focused on the soap and low pressured water. 3's eyes stared at the octoling tiredly, no particular thoughts behind her eyes.

The show had two inklings, one who supposedly had no where to go for the holidays and the other handing him a cup of hot chocolate. They too sat at a table together.

"Thank you for taking me in."

Adjust (Agent 3 x Agent 8)Where stories live. Discover now