Woomy #18: Parker

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A.N. 3 days after Draco's confession to Nagi...

"We should really get you a phone," Parker commented, staring up at Deca Tower from their seat on the concrete edge. By chance yet again, both 8 and Parker had managed to bump into each other. "It would make it a lot easier to hang out if you did."

"I suppose..." 8 shrugged, directing his stare away from Parker's direction and into the square, carefully observing the inklings as if they were insects on the floor. No one seemed to be staring at Nova, which was a surprise on its own, but his mind lingered. "..I've been trying to save up some cash."

"What for?" Parker asked, catching the Octobrush from slipping down the wall.

Marie's words to Nagi the day he arrived at Cuttlefish Cabin echoed in his mind: "Please help us take care of 8 here. Is there any chance he can stay with you to learn how everything works here?"

Surely that implied until he got the hang of things?

"My own place.." He murmured. 8 had thought it through some more after sometime, though for the most part, this idea had been in the back of his mind. As much as he enjoys 3's presence and friendship, 8 had felt as he'd been relying too much on Nagi, so he figured that it'd be best to get his own place and allow her to revert to her old schedule that the octoling had interrupted. Of course, he would still want to see Nagi and hang out with her, even if he was somewhere else. His goal had been to get somewhere near hers, even if it's within the same apartment complex, not that he told Nagi yet.

The way that 8 had interpreted the question was that he'd stay only for a bit until he got onto his feet. He had been already for weeks now, he just doesn't have the funds currently to move out.

8 didn't necessarily have anywhere to look for said apartments though, especially since Nova didn't have easy access to the internet. The only rare times he did was when Nagi allowed him to search something up on her phone. Maybe Parker's idea wasn't so bad.

"Your own place? Who are you staying with Nova?" The inkling asked, clearly curious.

"Remember Nagi? The inkling that was with me when you first approached me after the Turf War match?"

"I never knew her name," Parker shrugged, slinging his Octobrush over his shoulder. He ended up chuckling, "You never actually told me."

Nova chuckled with him with the realization, "Don't tell her I told you then."

Parker nodded with a grin, and stared out into the groups of inklings in the square.

A cool wind swept through, ruffling his slicked back tentacles lightly. It was currently early in the morning, about 8:30 in the morning last time Parker checked. On 8's side, he had gone out for a bit on his own, since Nagi had fallen into a deep slumber, still recovering from their fight the other day and the extra shifts she worked. To his knowledge, he was still unaware of the fact that she was going out with Agent 4.

Throughout the time they had known each other, they had hung out whenever they found each other in the city, and without means of communication, this of course left the hangouts up to luck. There would be days where Nova and him wouldn't exchange words for awhile because of the reasons previously stated.

Nonetheless, the male inkling and octoling had grown a strong friendship. Parker found it surprisingly easy to talk with 8, as did Nova with him. They shared interesting things that had passed throughout the days they couldn't find each other and catch up, which would usually follow with laughter. And on Parker's side, he greatly admired Nova, not only for his strength in Turf War, but his resilience every since he arrived in Inkopolis. He was both a reliable friend and teammate, with a strong mental fortitude. Plus, Nova was chill.

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