Woomy #15: Tentacles

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Though the suit felt a little tight, it was warmer than he expected. The headpiece was a little weird to him, since they were modeled after an inkling's pointy ears rather than an octoling's slightly rounder ones. Nonetheless, it still fit, though was still unsure as to how it worked.

"There he is," Marie had turned once they heard the approaching steps of both Agent 1 and 8. Clutching her umbrella, she smiled, "I see it fits you well."

3 stared at him silently, glancing from the shoes, up to his actual suit and to his headpiece. It looked good on him, thought she did notice it was a little tight on the octoling. Nagi gave a subtle nod, though 8 was a little embarrassed with everyone looking.

"It's a little tight, but I can make do," 8 commented with 1 giving a thumbs up. Marie giggled, and motioned Nagi towards 8, "You already know procedure 3, show 8 around so he can get to know the different areas. Good luck out there you two!"


"You have your Octoshot right?" 3 questioned, 8 following slightly behind.

"Yeah, I do," He confirmed.

"It's strange, they'd usually give you a Hero Shot, but it seems as if though they ran out or something," The inkling shrugged as they stepped into the main area of Tentakeel Outpost.

Nova glanced around, taking in the place. It was chilly out, but it wasn't as much as it was in the morning. It was strange however, to hear so much silence. 8 was more used to the bustling city with the conversations of the other inklings filling the air. Here, 8 could only hear whatever Nagi said, his own thoughts, his breathing and the wind howling as it blew.

"We'll just check around to see if there's any signs of Octarian movement, though we're so close to HQ, I highly doubt there is any."

"Has anyone actually gotten this close..?" Nova asked, peeking around the corner of the stone structures found there.

"Once. They were really bold." Nagi responded.

They walked together once again, 8 occasionally looking over at 3, who kept her eyes forward and only occasionally whipped her head around. The lime tentacles would whip around as she did so, which caught his eye. "Whoa, what is that...?" Nova asked himself in his head, paying more attention to Nagi's hair. At the very end of her tentacles, which the sunlight perfectly hit, revealed that she had scars embedded into them, a couple scratches and one big x. Upon closer inspection, he realized that both tentacles had it, yet how did he not notice before after all this time?  To be fair, they looked light, and if you didn't stare at them for too long, it wouldn't be noticeable. 

..Would it be rude to ask about it?

"H-Hey 3?" Nova began leaning against one of the tree trunks there. The leaves above him rustled with the wind. "What happened to you there?"

Nagi had noticed his pointing once she stood in front of him, which was directly at her hair. With one of her hands, she lifted it up to get a closer inspection, trying to come up with a response. 3 struggled to recall exactly what caused it, but her expression slowly changed to a frown, staring at her lime tentacle.

"Battle scar," She answered, though her eyes lingered on it. It was definitely from a fight but couldn't exactly remember. After all, she's been in god knows how many encounters with Octarians. 

"..Do you remember what or when exactly that happened..?"

3 shrugged, "Probably in a fight against an Octarian, yet too many fights have occurred to remember correctly which one."

8 nodded understandably, not wanting to push it. Though his mind would still linger on the fact that he hadn't noticed the scars she had after all this time.

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