Woomy #11: 4

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Agent 4, getting a little nervous at her intense stare, felt as if her eyes were quite literally piercing through his. Her eyes were wide, and her pupils seemed smaller than usual. It was clear that the inkling was shocked, though Agent 4 couldn't quite figure out why. After all, she was just fighting these Octarians was she not? Though as they stared at each other in silence, a frown with a hint of disbelief formed on her face.

"H-Hey," Agent 4 started, unsure as to what to say. 3 scoffed and turned, her hair whipping around. Dodging the tentacle, 4 chuckled awkwardly and set his Hero Shot aside. His hair was slicked back, and had blue eyes that stared at the back of 3's head. "I didn't even hear you." Was all that 3 mentioned, still not looking back at him.

"Well, you were so lost in your thoughts when you were pointing your Hero Shot at him," He argued back. "I just helped you finish the job before he got away."

"You don't understand." 3 complained, her voice stern yet low.

Both inklings stood there in silence, neither of them sure as to what to do. As Nagi thought about it, she wondered what exactly she would've done if Agent 4 had splatted the Octarian. Would she have still gone through with it? Would she have let him get away? Even she was unsure. Maybe, to an extent, 4 did do her a favor. Yet, the same feeling remained inside her, seeing the Octarian's desperate expression, hiding his face and trembling. Her mind would then wander back to Nova smiling. And what was this about "the promised land"? As she questioned what she felt, 4 waved his hand in front of her, surprising 3.

"Maybe I don't, but if you're upset about me splatting him, remember it's our job," 4 started, shoving one hand into his pocket. "If we don't, we risk the Octarians reaching us over in Inkopolis and start another Great Turf War."

3 gave it some more thought. While yes she's been doing this for as long as she could remember, why was it until now that she had begun to feel sorry for doing these actions? Could it be that it was because she got to know Nova once he moved in?

3 shrugged, "At least this one showed some emotion at the end of it compared to the others."

"Right, once he realized he was on the verge of being splatted, 3."

Nagi's frowning expression remained the same, and she adjusted one of her tentacles saying nothing else. 4, unsure as to what else to say, was beginning to get a little bothered by the silence. With a sigh he said, "I see you're as silent and serious as the day we broke up."

3 looked at him with a hint of disgust, it was a weird time to take a jab at someone. Crossing her arms, she clarified, "I broke up with you. Not we."

"I've changed since then," He rebuttaled.

"Right, hope that strange obsession with the Squid Sisters did too.."

Agent 4 sighed a bit, lifted his weapon, and covered the purple ink up with a different color. Agent 3 watched as the ink splatted over the stain, and asked what he was doing here. Apparently he was asked to check up on Octo Canyon as well and saw Nagi from a distance when he was super jumping from Tentakeel Outpost to Suction-Cup Lookout.

"Going back to what we were talking about," 4 began. "It's strange seeing the mighty 3 taking pity on an Octarian."

Nagi shrugged it off, not letting his words get to him. "I just took 2 down. I was just rethinking things."

Agent 4 nodded, almost as if not believing her. However, what 3 found strange was the small smile he had on. They dated for roughly a month at one point during the summer, however 3 had broken up with the inkling due to his strange obsession with the Squid Sisters. To say the least, he was a fanboy. 4 had been upset after the breakup, and found it awkward to talk since. What he did appreciate was that, for the most part, 3 had kept it professional though he did admit that he didn't want to end the relationship. "Ugh, I can't believe I still have this feeling whenever I look at her..." The male inkling thought to himself, looking into Nagi's orange eyes that continued to look away from his. His stomach felt weird, 4 would be lying if he said he didn't feel anything anymore for the female inkling.

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