Woomy #17: Confession

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Nagi opened her eyes.

Apparently she could recognize the fact that she had fallen asleep, and was still in Octo Canyon. She had no idea when this had happened, but once her vision had readjusted to her surroundings, 3 figured out that she was now in Suction-Cup Lookout purely from the combination of metal and brick structures. On top of all this, Nagi also noted that she had an annoying pain in her leg..tentacle?

Apparently she was still in her squid form. How was she traveling to begin with?

"Nova?" She asked groggily, now realizing the sensation that she felt was that of being held in someone's arms.

"Ah, you're awake," Nova grinned, keeping his sight forward. "How are you holding up?"

She shook her head, still in her squid form. Nagi had no intention of walking, even more so with her injury. It was much to each other's surprise that neither one of them were all too embarrassed about what was going on right now, but maybe it was because they were too tired to get embarrassed. "You must be really tired," 8 commented.

"What makes you say that?" 3 asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You were still asleep even when I super jumped us to the next isle!" He laughed. Nagi could feel the movement of both his body and hers with each step he took, which was further emphasized by his laughing. She let out a puff of air, amused by his statement.


It took awhile longer before they finally reached the area that the Cuttlefish Cabin rested (8 had to take a little break at the end of Suction-Cup Lookout before jumping to Tentakeel Outpost). At this point of the day, it was starting to get colder with the sun wanting to set. The cold winds were much to the pair's disliking.

Sitting on the the cabin's small ledge/porch, sat Marie, Callie and Draco, huddled around what 3 recognized as a sunken scroll. Nova stood there with 3 being cupped in his arms as the group examined the scroll.

""The latest research has produced startling revelations about Inkling ink! One thought to simply disappear after a while, Inkling ink is actually rapidly disintegrated by airborne microbes!"" Marie read.

"Ah so that explains why the ink disappears so fast after a Turf War..." Callie murmured to herself. The idol perked up, sensing someone else's presence and noticed both 3 and 8 looking at them. "Hey 3! Hey 8!" She waved enthusiastically with a huge smile. Both Marie and Draco had turned their heads away from the scroll in front of them and back at the pair. Marie waved as well, though not exactly matching Callie's energy, "Welcome back you two," She smiled as well. "How was patrol?'

4 continued to stare back and forth between 8 and 3, processing what he was seeing.

"Troublesome." 3 plainly responded, still in her squid form. 8 nodded in agreement.

"We were attacked out of nowhere by three Elite Octarians," Nova stated, taking a couple steps closer to the group. Nagi had almost accidentally slipped in between the crevices of his arms and fallen to the floor, but Nova managed to react in time and catch the inkling once again. "2 chargers, 1 Octoshot," He added, noticing that he had dropped the both of their weapons on the floor.

As he knelt down to pick them up again, he had looked up discreetly at them. His eyes had met Callie's, who winked at him. Possibly referring back to the conversation they had earlier in the day. A little embarrassed, the octoling shook his head.

"They're so cute-!" Callie exclaimed to herself in her mind. "3 doesn't let anyone just carry her like that!"

"Are you two okay?" Marie stepped up to them, still leaving a bit of distance between them. Nova shook his head, and before he could explain how they were hurt and 3's injury, 4 stepped up to 8. Nova was surprised by his sudden movement, which was oddly swift for him just stepping up to him. 8 had gotten the same bothered aura from Draco from when they met in 3's apartment. With a condescending smile, his arms reached under to scoop Nagi up from his arms. However, it wasn't much to either 3 or 8's liking. 8 because he was actually enjoying holding her, but for 3, it was because the sudden shift had made her wince in pain.

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