Woomy #32: 24th

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Nagi's eyes fluttered open.

Because she had just woken up, it felt as though everything was disorienting. It took her a minute to figure out that she was actually inside the Cuttlefish Cabin and had trouble remembering what happened. Nagi couldn't even recall falling asleep when she was with the group. How did she even end up on the couch?

"I was pretty comfy though," Nagi admitted to herself, grabbing the coat that was spread out over her and layered up.

Clearly, 3 didn't know that it was Nova's coat she wore on top of hers now.

Where even was Nova? A quick look around in the cabin confirmed that the octoling was not with her. Perhaps he was just sitting outside with the rest? "No..." Her mind went on. "I can't hear anyone talking or anything going on outside...it's quiet."

Well, quiet wasn't the right word. The wind howled lightly outside, and though she couldn't see the snow slowly piling outside, the inside was illuminated with a lantern and burning candle.

Was it possible that Nova had already left without her?

Giving an audible groan, she sat up, two coats on and her scarf still around her neck. However cold it was outside, it was definitely much warmer inside the cabin. 3 glanced to her left and right, as if to see if her giant octo plush was next to her. "Right...I'm not home.."

Giving another yawn, she slid the cabin entrance door open and examined the area. Intrigued that it had begun to snow, all she saw at that moment were the three target balloons, still wrapped in their Squidmas lights, and the Ammo Knights Enhancifier, which had also been covered in lights, not noticing the octoling standing not far from the cabin's entrance.

The octoling turned around to face 3 upon hearing the sliding door open, staring sweetly into her eyes. His orange eyes, and long, singular tentacle on his head seemed to stand out amongst the falling snow. "H-Hey...There you are, Nova," 3 whispered, feeling the snow lightly fall against her face. "I thought you just deserted me here, heh." Nonetheless, the inkling didn't get much a response to her comment. What she DID get was:

"Here, I got you a coffee," The octoling smiled. "Cream and two sugars, just how you like it.."

Agent 3, who's heart raced just from the sound of his voice, glanced over at her hand and back at him. With one extended hand, the steaming coffee faced directly towards 3. "You already know I wouldn't leave you behind. Who do you take me for?" He stated with some lighthearted banter. His sight was directed away from her, almost as if he was nervously trying to avoid eye contact with the girl. With an amused smile, 3 giggled, and gently took the drink out of his hand, not steering her eyes away from 8.

The area was completely silent. The only thing that could be seen clearly through the snow falling was one another and well, the Squidmas lights. For a good minute, both 3 and 8 stood in the snow, looking out into the distance with 3 sipping from her coffee.

"Nova.." Nagi's voice whispered, being just barely audible for 8. "...Where's your coat..? You're seriously going to get sick."

"Like I said," Nova grinned to himself. "You'll just have to take care of me."

"Nope," The female inkling responded almost immediately. "..Even if I did, what would I get in return?"

"A healthier Nova."

"Rightttt..." Nagi laughed lightly. "In all seriousness though, you're not cold Nova?"

The octoling smiled, and shook his head no, amused by the fact that she had still not realized she had his coat over hers. In all honesty, 8 didn't want to put any attention to it, as he thought she looked adorable in his clothing. Even if it was a size too big on her. The octoling did in fact feel a bit cold.

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