Woomy #27: Concern

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Nothing ran through Nagi's mind.

Well, that was a lie. The lime haired inkling had no idea where to even begin with her thoughts as she scrambled to find her keys to the apartment. She didn't want to knock because, although 3 had already confirmed her feelings for the octoling, Nagi wasn't in any mood to interact with anyone particularly after everything that had occurred. Agent 3 only wanted to be alone for the time being.

It was clear that she did not feel good about herself, having to subtly break up with 4, this time with her actually having a fault in the matter. Looking back at their whole interaction in the dimly lit apartment, had 3 done the right thing? Even if she did, had she let him down gently? Was she too mean or too blunt with her words? Perhaps Nagi could've tackled the question in a different manner as to make it easier on Draco.

Adding on, just the simple matter of Draco shedding tears during their whole interaction, so much so, he had previously turned into his squid form as to hide the fact, made 3 more emotional. Embarrassment must have gotten to him as well, as Nagi could feel her jaw tightening seeing how Draco desperately tried to wipe away his tears, only to cause more. Nagi's heart was beating fast, and her breathing was a little uneven thinking over and over about what had just happened, and slowly turned the key in the doorknob.

Sure, Nagi can seem serious, but she was just like any other inkling who could feel bad for making someone else feel bad.

With a creak, the door had slowly swung open, respectively to the amount of force Nagi put behind it. The lights were still on in their apartment, which wasn't much to her surprise as it technically wasn't that late anyways. Sure it was dark out, especially since they were now in winter and therefore would darken earlier, but 3 would've found it weird if Nova had actually gone to sleep this early. Stepping in, 3 noted in her head the sound of the kitchen sink running with the sound of clattering of plates in cupboards following after. Overall, their apartment was tidied up once more by 8, which 3 would show her appreciation later for once again, and besides the boxes that she STILL had yet to touch in the corner of the living room, everything looked nice.

"Nagi! You're back," 8 called out with an innocent grin developing on his face. Though upon examining his roommate's expression, seeing how it almost looked like she had reverted back to her old ways, Nagi looked way more serious with a cold look in her eyes, and 8's smile slowly faded out of concern for her. "..H-How did it go..?"

The question knocked 3 out of her trance, and after simply nodding to his greeting, all 3 could respond was, "I don't really want to talk about it."

8, unsure as to what to do, placed another plate he had washed and dried in the cupboard overhead. His jaw tightened nervously, and his mind attempted to come up with some sort of reasoning. However, Nova would stop this rather quickly, as he would prefer to not make any assumptions.

On 3's side, the tone of excitement 8 had had subtly made her heart race, but the thoughts of what happened with Draco just now seemed to spawn in her mind once more, nullifying the effect. Nova's grin was just as innocent as ever despite the trouble he had gone through, and as much as Nagi wanted to return the smile, she just..couldn't. She felt as though she was a horrible inkling, as though she had only accepted the dates as to lead 4 onto something that wouldn't progress more, even going as far as making him believe that his efforts weren't going to waste. But they did, they did once Nagi had realized where her heart stood, and Nagi could only feel regret for having 4 waste his time, energy, and cash on her. To her, it seemed as though 4 was really serious this time, if it wasn't already made clear with how he tried to stay together.

"W-Wait, are you sure there's no chance we can actually make this work?!"

Draco's words haunted the lime haired inkling, Agent 3's mind being able to replicate the sound of his voice breaking. It felt as though an apple was lodged in her throat, and made it difficult to maintain her composure.

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