Woomy #26.5: 3

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"Do you...have feelings for Nova..?"

As if time itself slowed down, Nagi had immediately felt as though she had sat there in silence at the question for so long. Her heart thumped loudly, almost as if muffling whatever background noise there was around her. A cold sweat washed over the female inkling, and with shaky hands, her palms stuck out, waving aggressively.

"I..I..." Nagi stuttered, trying her hardest to find the right words. Her face flushed completely at the question, and the tips of her ears burned an aggressive bright red.

No, she didn't have feelings for the octoling right? They were close sure, but they were only friends, nothing more, nothing less. Plus, she had initially agreed to go out with Draco instead anyways. The night he confessed to her at the little coffee shop, Nagi had reciprocated 4's feelings. Hell, she was even blushing and painting the past in a much more positive light in order to further consider going back with 4. Within Agent 3's mind, she reasoned in her head in order to give Draco the benefit of the doubt. But..surely these thoughts were false...? After all, Nagi was blushing just as much as she was right now from Draco's confession, so it could be wrong.

Draco nervously stared at the inkling, unsure as to how to approach the current situation. Instead, as he held his own hands with his fingers interlocking his own, he awaited for Nagi's response. In his mind, all these changes he saw within Nagi and her personality seemed to stem ever since 8 had come into the picture. Nagi had never hesitated to splat a hostile octoling until the moment 4 had to do it for her. Granted he didn't understand in the moment either as to why Nagi held back. However, everything from her brighter personality, an expressive attitude and becoming more conversational, all of these changes that Draco had noticed...they all came after Agent 8 had moved in with her. With a sigh, the male inkling weakly reached over for the remote, and paused the series on his tv.

Nagi's jaw felt incredibly tight. It felt as though she couldn't open it even a crack to mutter a single word. Her ears still felt hot, and though she fidgeted with one of her lime tentacles, the inkling could not answer the question directly. Her orange eyes could only stare at the paused screen, carefully analyzing what it was that she felt.

Her mind wandered off briefly, attempting to suffocate the awkward silence both inklings were currently experiencing. The sofa seemed to grow more and more uncomfortable with each passing second, and therefore, Nagi would shift in her seat frequently. Her heart would race more and more, realizing that if she wasn't denying it immediately then...maybe...

"No..." Nagi whispered to herself. "Draco, I-"

Once again, 3's throat tightened, making it harder to release the words lodged inside. It was growing increasingly obvious with her flustered expression and hesitation to say no to Draco as to what his answer was.

Her mind went on racing.

Thinking about the times they spent working together, playing Turf War/Ranked together, eating, their little moments shared throughout their time in Inkopolis. Noting that 8 too remembered the little details about her, it felt as though her heart fluttered. 3 had caught herself thinking about Nova, even when she was on a date with Draco. Her orange eyes then steered down to stare at her palm, lightly closing it and opening it once more, picturing how not only did she boldly hold his hand leaving the Shoal, but had cupped the octoling's face as well after attempting to help him clean the soda.

That's right. There was that night as well, where she openly laughed in front of the octoling. Their bodies had pressed a lot closer to each other than expected, and Nagi's blush only deepened in real time at the thought of it. She could almost picture the whole scenario again, how close their faces were to each other, and the same intense feeling within her that occurred once their eyes met. Agent 3 remembered his words too when she had stated that Nova should probably do it himself:

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