Woomy #35: Sojourn

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Agent 3, aka 3, aka Nagi, would end up receiving two calls within the span of 2 days, both that would end up causing major shifts in her life. One more so than the other, however, one could argue that both were pretty big deals.


After a successful, yet brief, convenience store run to get some chicken cup noodles for Nova and some cough syrup, 3 walked the surprisingly empty Inkopolis streets leading back home.

It was still the day before New Squid Years Eve, and while there was still a good amount of inklings sitting around and playing Turf War matches, it wasn't unsurprising to say the least. A lot of the city's population were teenage inklings, all moving out to start a new independent life and spread their wings, therefore many, many of them had headed back home. You should see how packed those train stations got. Like sardines in a can.  Nagi argued it was the worst part about traveling back home.

"Thank Cod I'm not dealing with all of that.." Nagi whispered underneath her breath, before jumping up at the sound of her phone receiving a text message. A soft smile developed, seeing who it was from.


Nova 🐙❤️:

"Hi! Just making sure you're safe? How was work?"



"I'm safe, just making my way back home now. Stopped to pick up some noodles and cough syrup for you. Patrol was boring without you though..."



"Btw how are you feeling?"


Nova 🐙❤️:

"Aw you missed me? Also thank you for the medicine and food, I am feeling much better than I did this morning!"



"Don't get so confident 🙄, but yes. I missed you."


Nova 🐙❤️:

"Haha, what does btw mean again?"



"By the way."


Nova 🐙❤️:

"By the way what?"



Nagi let out a loud enough giggle to Nova's obliviousness texting, loud enough to catch the attention of the few inklings walking by her. It reminded her of that one time a long time ago where both Callie and Marie had tried desperately to teach Cap'n Cuttlefish how to use his phone. Nonetheless, it was cute witnessing Nova get used to his.

Of course, Nagi did explain herself to the octoling. 

The thought about how affectionate she had suddenly gotten with Nova had sent shivers down her back. If the past version of herself had seen the way Nagi was now with Nova, she was almost positive that there'd be accusations that the current self was an imposter of some sort.

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