Woomy #7: Turf

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A.N. I took some creative liberty here, hope you don't mind! :)

They stepped in silence, beginning to walk side by side. 3 only stared forward with a blank expression, keeping her eyes on the entrance of Deca Tower. At the higher parts of the tower, the Great Zapfish rested, occasionally sending electrical currents down itself.

"Whoa..that zapfish really is huge," Nova commented, not directly saying it to 3.

Several groups would walk past the pair entering, all who were done with their battles of the day or taking a break between matches. Nova watched, a little envious of the laughter between the inklings. One even gave another a playful jab. Of course, they were all holding their weapons in hand, the other wiping away the sweat they had built up over the course of matches.

As they entered the lobby, 3 had looked to her sides and noticed other people also walking in at the same time as them. Inklings of all different heights, styles, colors all bearing different weapons from the wide selection. In her left hand, she plainly held a regular Splattershot. It wasn't anything special, but she found herself using this one the most out of the pile she had back home. Most of those at home were usually some that she either didn't like or use all that often. "I think some of those are damaged anyways," 3 continued her internal commentary to herself.

It wasn't often that 3 herself headed into matches on her own, much less with someone else. Agent 4 had asked her on multiple occasions to play some matches together, to which she declined the majority of them. Most of her time was preoccupied by her job at the Squidbeak Splatoon. The longer, more difficult missions were usually under her care, leaving her pretty exhausted by the end of the day. However, her experience fighting the Octarians that did appear led to her being an actually pretty good fighter against other inklings.

"Let's see..." 3 whispered underneath her breath, seeing the cycle of different game modes and maps today displayed on a large screen inside the lobby. Turf War involved Inkblot Art Academy and Sturgeon Shipyard. While they wouldn't be able to play together, curiosity got the better of her, and she checked the ranked battles. Splat zones, Manta Maria and Wahoo World. "Actually, while I'm here.." Agent 3 thought to herself, walking over to a small stand with touchscreen, in which she registered Nova into the system. A card was printed right out of the stand with his name and ID number. It was still a basic color, but you can change the design/color if you want to pay extra. 3's was still the original color.

8 was still looking around. The upbeat music played somewhat loudly, resonating between the walls, that he instantly recognized as Pearl and Marina's voices. The lobby itself was a cool sight with all of it's bright different colored lighting, dark grey walls, the small snack shops inside (which he would later find out to also be the match xp and coin boosters), and even a small arcade on a smaller second floor. The lobby had also a locker room where one can put their belongings they can't bring into a match, which some inklings were already walking in and out of. 8 would occasionally feel the stares of other inklings once more, but shrugged it off.

"I think you fit right in, Nova. You're just like anyone else here. Don't worry about the others."

3's words echoed each time those insecurities appeared, and held his head high. His face felt warm. However, on the other hand, his heart raced with excitement going into a Turf War match.

"Are you ready?" 3 asked, turning around to meet his eyes and swinging her Splattershot up. 8, who was still looking around, was caught off guard by her voice. "Y-Yeah!" He exclaimed nervously, a grin appearing. "Don't be nervous," 3 simply stated, beginning to walk to ready the pair up for battle under the same party. Luckily there wasn't a huge wait list, and other inklings consistently left and joined the matches in rotation.

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