Woomy #22: Search

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The whole sight might've looked crazy. Imagine just having a good time with your friends in Inkopolis Square, only to see an inkling girl, dressed up with a determined yet concerned look in her eyes, burst through the front entrance of one of Inkopolis' skyscrapers. It had caught the eyes of many inklings, and Nagi could feel her face warm up sensing it all.

"Whoa, where is she off to?"

"Hey, check out those scars on her hair.."

"Her robe is pretty."

The voices were loud enough within the groups of inklings for Nagi to make out the comments. However, she tried her best to not think of it too much.

"No wonder he seemed off when I was going out...but why didn't he say something if he knew?"

Eagerly, she excused herself as she squeezed in between people. As she made her way to the theater, with the faint music from Off the Hook echoing within the streets of Inkopolis, Nagi had suddenly stopped in the middle of a sidewalk.

Was this okay in the first place? She did just left Draco behind suddenly with the bill to search for Nova. But at the same time, she had already agreed to the plans Nova had suggested previously. 3 felt the need to apologize, to both the inkling and octoling, however, she prioritized 8 first. Nagi never canceled on plans with anyone unless she had something else going on. 3 rarely forgot too, so how did she let this slip by? Was she that flustered at Draco's request that it slipped her mind? Or was she just too tired from her shifts at the Squidbeak Splatoon to remember throughout the week?

Nagi sighed, gently shaking her head as if to clear her mind. "Just find Nova for now, I already committed to this.." The inkling whispered to herself as other inklings walked around her on the sidewalk. 3 got a couple stares from a few inklings, all curious as to why this girl was only standing there looking into the distance.

"I wonder where he is..?"

Though her heart thumped loudly as she sprinted in the direction of the theater, she was able to keep up the pace as a result of her experience in the Squidbeak Splatoon. It isn't to say that the injury of her leg from that one battle against the octolings didn't leave its mark. It gave her a strange, almost muffled pain, as if it was hidden in the background. It didn't hurt enough to the point where Nagi felt as if she had to stop, but it still bothered her slightly, especially right now of all times.

Upon arriving to her first destination, the inkling's shoulders would rise and fall with each respective breath, glancing around rapidly in hopes of spotting the octoling in the crowd. She disliked crowds for the simple matter of the lack of open space, as well as the possibility of physical contact (shoulders bumping, occasionally arm/hand grazing, etc). Even just the noise itself was enough to dislike them. There were a lot of inklings everywhere, almost every bench spot was taken up, and there was very little room to squeeze in between the groups. Nagi figured it would be faster to just turn into a squid and go between people's feet, but after figuring that she could get stepped on and that it'd be slower since there was no ink, she went against the idea.

Nothing in particular seemed to run through her mind at this moment. Nagi's only focus was to find the octoling. After failing to spot him in the huge line that led outside the front entrance of the theaters, she was however, able to spot someone familiar. Parker.

The purple haired inkling stood in line, not particularly talking to anyone as he was surrounded by conversations. Hesitant to approach him, 3 did so anyways in hopes that he had knowledge of 8's whereabouts.

"Oh what's up? Nagi right?" Parker would strike up conversation first upon making eye contact with Agent 3. How did he even know her name? 3 had never mentioned it to Parker, since they've never really interacted since the day he had met 8. Whatever, she didn't have time to worry about it.

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