Woomy #21: Date

482 9 21

Nova's eyes opened.

There he was, standing on a white platform. With a quick glance around, he noticed that he had the same outfit that he had on once arriving to the surface, Octoshot in hand. It felt so...familiar.

The octoling's eyes widened as he overheard both Pearl and Marina's conversation as to whether or not they should use the helicopter, slowly realizing where he was. This white platform was clearly an elevator, clinking as it rose the up through the middle of the structure. Overhead, windows allowed sunlight to shine through, but were merely obscure, not allowing 8 to actually see it. The surface.

His heart raced, and gripped his Octoshot tightly in his grasp. The elevator continued, until it had abruptly stopped. 8 had stumbled a bit, and glanced around nervously. If Nova remembered correctly, this place was where...

"It stopped!" Marina exclaimed.

"Who's up there?" Pearl questioned immediately after.

Nova glanced around, and up at one of the pillar like structures, seeing a ripped up cape flowing in the air. As his heart began to race and his mind confirmed that he was experiencing this moment again, Nova whispered under his breath, "..Nagi..."

"It's Agent 3! But..."

"GYAHHH! Agent 8? Help meeee!"

Cap'n Cuttlefish's voice exclaimed, as he attempted to wriggle out of the rope that he had been tied up in. It proved to be pointless, as 8's eyes widened seeing 3 in the same state he had seen her before. Slowly, the inkling turned, revealing the goo that seemed to have taken over her head and body. It was Nagi yes, but it also didn't look like her. Her eyes were a very bright green, a color that didn't match her natural orange ones whatsoever, and her expression felt..completely different. It was Nagi, but it wasn't too.

"Agent 3's mind was hijacked by that crazy phone!"

However, before 8 could even attempt respond to the Cap'n, Agent 3 had already begun to free fall down to the same platform as 8.

For some reason, Nova's body failed to respond in the way that he wanted it to, not reacting at all to the initial splashdown. "3-!" The octoling thought to himself as the force of the lime ink had pushed him back. He began shooting instinctively, covering both turf and attempting to hit 3. He would fail, as it seemed that 3 had suddenly obtained the ability to not only use a large amount of bombs and specials, but the ability to dodge roll too. The bombs detonated, and after a couple more landing hits, 8 had managed to knock down 3.

Before he could actually stop her, she super jumped onto a floating platform that floated around the white platform itself. Failing to react, a stingray pierced his body, shattering the armor he had almost instantly. Slowed down, the octoling attempted to take back a bit of turf to swim in. As he tried to dodge the long stingray attack, he attempted to simultaneously toss splat bombs over to her.

Nova's heart raced. This would be their first conflict technically, though this isn't her fault at all. He was worried for her, a lot more since 8 had known her for so long now. He was aware that this was a dream, but it didn't feel like one. It genuinely felt like..he was re experiencing everything once again.

However, this fight would end differently than what he would remember.

His orange eyes widened suddenly, seeing 3 come down to the platform with such velocity once again. Another splashdown. Another strong wave of lime ink. Dodge right, swim left, shoot back. Throw a splat bomb. Predict her dodge rolls.

Sweat dripped on the side of the octoling's face, still attempting to put up a fight.

Go backwards. Avoid her shots. More splashdowns.

Adjust (Agent 3 x Agent 8)Where stories live. Discover now