Woomy #13: Shoal

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A.N. Published this by accident so I'm sorry if your read this unfinished!

Hearing Agent 3 audibly giggle gave Nova a strange feeling within himself. Just earlier, a couple days since they had actually gotten the chance to get to know each other, Nagi was threatening him with her Hero Shot and would hardly converse with him. Now, the octoling was able to have all sorts of conversations with her in such a short time span, with 3 even contributing, though a lot of times she just listened. Regardless, he was appreciative that Nagi would interact with him just like any other person, and didn't treat him as anything less.

Going back to her giggle, it was something that oddly reminded him of the first time he had heard the Calamari Inkantation. It was something that Nova couldn't describe it as anything else but a really nice sound. It made him forget of all of his past struggles, especially those in the Deepsea Metro and the fact thagt he's living a new life here in Inkopolis. At first it was the small smile he had received from her when 8 offered to move the boxes, now it was the small laugh she had given making these comments. Nova chuckled, something he couldn't hold back hearing Agent 3. Even if it wasn't something he directly caused, 8 couldn't help but want to make 3 laugh some more. If anything, it was a sign of how close they had gotten in such a short amount of time.

3's face reddened a bit, realizing what she had done, and turned her head away from him. Her green eyes now darted the almost finished slice of pizza on her plate. Nova could notice a subtle red tint on the tips of her ears. 3 cleared her throat, reverting back to her neutral expression.

Nova, a little disappointed that she would try to hide her laugh, started up again, "I don't understand. Why would he be jealous of me..?"

3 finished whatever was left of her pizza slice, dabbed her mouth with a napkin, all while thinking about his question. "I mean, when you think about it," 3 coughed a little bit afterwards, choking on a piece of crust. "You're a guy, that is suddenly living with me, and he's my ex."

8's face felt a little heated up. The way she put it, it did make it seem like they were together. And, after thinking about it some more, it explains why he was persistently asking about the connection 3 and 8 had. But in the end, Nagi decided that to help him out. "I..I understand now," He chuckled bashfully. 3's orange eyes met his as he laughed, and gave a small smile.

3 learned more and more about 8 with each day, getting small glimpses into his personality every now and then. There were was plenty of positive things to say about the octoling from the short amount of time she had gotten to know him. 8 was a very curious person, which was emphasized more by the fact that it was his first time here in the surface. However, 3 had also liked that he wasn't pushy when it came to his curiosity, or even when he noticed that she wasn't in the mood to talk. Nagi was used to the people who always brought up how quiet she was, and meeting Nova, it was a nice change of pace as he didn't consistently bring that up, if at all. Overall, 8 was a very polite person who understood boundaries, and if he messed up, would apologize. It was something that Nagi could appreciate and was most likely why she grew as close as they are in a couple of days.

"Then why was 4 getting on your nerves?" 8 asked, finishing his plate, including the crust. Though he didn't enjoy it as much as the actual cheese part. "I think it was just the fact that he so obvious about it. There was no subtlety in the way he was asking things." 8 nodded understandably, and cleared the plates off the table with Nagi thanking him. As he watched them, he wondered if she would be working tomorrow as well.

"What did you end up doing today?" 3 asked, scrolling on her phone casually. She didn't necessarily look up since Nova's back was facing to her. The octoling scrubbed off whatever remains were on the plate, feeling the water travel between his fingers. "Not much. Just played a couple matches in Turf War. Saving up some cash, bit by bit." 8 left out the judgmental states he had received throughout the day.

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