Woomy #3: Full

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"Hm?" She turned her head to look at them. Callie seemed a bit nervous, but Marie seemed normal. 8 stood there, still seemingly processing what was going on.

"Did Agent 4 leave already..?" Marie questioned, facing 3 now.

"Yes. Earlier in the afternoon."

Marie and Callie peered at each other, then at 8, then back at 3.

"Our schedule is packed right now with plans for events, and shows, and whatnot..." Agent 2 started.

"Meaning we don't really have time ourselves to help," Callie continued, her hands fidgeted. Both Nova and 3 stood, still awaiting as to where the Squid Sisters were going with this. The bad feeling that 3 felt got stronger the more the silence went on for.

"3," Marie started in a soothing voice, stepping forward so that she was now standing next to Callie. "We have a huge favor to ask of you."

Nova turned his head back and forth between Agents 1 and 2, and back to 3.

Marie's head slowly bowed, and when she noticed that Callie only stared at her, she quickly made Callie bow her head too.

"Please help us take care of 8 here. Is there any chance he can stay with you to learn how everything works here."

It was a huge favor to ask for, and both 3 and 8 were taken back by it. 3 sweat nervously, still processing the request. Did she really want someone else in her house? She had the spare room filled with with her junk, but she thought she was fine with living alone. Plus, it was a huge responsibility that she would have to manage on top of her regular schedule. Her eyes traced the landscape, and ultimately made eye contact with Nova's orange eyes staring innocently back. Agent 3 gave it some more thought, but didn't give any indication of a yes.

"I'm aware that it's a big responsibility," Marie commented. "But it would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure 8 here would greatly appreciate it."

Her eyes darted back to 8, who nodded along with what she was saying. Nova, despite being somewhat intimidated by the inkling, didn't mind the idea. After all, he's new here so he could really use the help. "Maybe we can even be friends at some point.."

However, it was clear to everyone that 3 was hesitant on saying yes to the offer. It didn't help that she just wanted to go home and rest. 

At the same time however, Nova didn't want her to feel as if she was forced to do this, he wanted it to be her own decision.

"It would be appreciated, even if it's just for tonight," 8 started taking a couple of steps close to her. 3 didn't move, but only stared at him as he approached. "But I want it to be something you actually want to go through with, not something forced."

"Hm..." 3 hummed silently, pondering it more and more. It was purely just a balance if she wanted to help or keep the same schedule she was happy with. Her hands were already full with managing everything.

"Don't underestimate 8 here," Callie pointed at him. "I'm sure he can figure things out fast, right?"

"Right, I can handle it." Nova grinned confidently.

3 stared at the octolings smile screaming "I got this."

Neither of the pair's eyes moved away from each other.


The Inkopolis night sky sparkled brightly with the countless stars dwelling there. Despite the fact that it was dark, there were already countless inklings among the streets, all conversing and living their lives. Nova observed those he focused on, seeing how they behaved and talked. A particular group caught his eye, a group of four inklings, one girl and three guys. It seemed as if they all knew each other, especially with their joined laughing. One of them had their arms around the girl's shoulder.

"Let's go get something to eat!"

"You always want to eat!"

"Haha! She got you there!"

Seeing them laughing together made Nova feel something that he couldn't identify. What he did know however, was that he wanted to experience that.

Unbeknownst to Nova, he had accidentally stopped in his tracks, the bright street lamp illuminating him from above. Upon realizing this, he glanced around in order to spot 3, failing to do so.

"Over here!" She called out, cupping her hand around her mouth to make her voice louder. It was the first time for him hearing her raise her voice to call out to him. 8 turned his head around and ended up spotting her near a corner store down the street. A small sense of relief washed over the octoling, irrationally worried that he'd get lost and forgotten by 3.  "S-Sorry, I got distracted," He scratched the back of his head nervously. 3 didn't respond, but just turned to make sure the octoling was still behind him, then proceeded to walk their way home. 

The streets had their groups of inklings, some even by themselves on their phone. Occasionally, Nova would accidentally make eye contact with them, and in response, gave a nervous smile. The inklings on the other hand, would either stare wide eyed or look him up and down, almost as if analyzing him. These responses made him feel a little weird, but tried his best to shake off the feeling. 

His stomach rumbled softly. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't eaten anything in awhile. Almost as if by coincidence, they walked through a little open square, with two food trucks handing food to customers. The scent flowed through the air and met his nose, ultimately making the octoling hungrier. "I don't have any money though..." He thought to himself, a little upset at the fact. Agent 3 continued to walk forward, ignoring her surroundings, with the octoling beginning to trudge behind her. Nova stared at her hair, her lime tentacles slowly shifting with each step. He considered asking her for something, but ended up deciding against it. He closed his eyes as he stepped, imagining the different types of delicious food that would leave him full. 

"How could I ask her for more, she's already providing me somewhere to stay," Nova reasoned in his head, his right hand subconsciously holding his stomach. 

The pair continued to make their way, Nova slowly following behind 3. Neither of them exchanged words within the silence. 


A.N. I already have 3 different scenarios planned and they're almost entire chapters themselves, just have to figure out when and where they'd go in the story. 

Word Count: 1090

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