Woomy #29: Splatfest

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*A.N. Really Long Chapter Warning! (Possibly longer than the previous ones)*

Upon watching the octoling run back to his initial spot, both Agents 1 and 3 had begun to giggle in an amused manner. Nagi, on the other hand, could only smile to herself upon revealing her embarrassed face once again. 8 had spoken so casually, yet it was still feared that he had heard what they were talking about.

"Anyways," Callie started again. "Are you planning on telling him soon? Or are you waiting to see if he does it? Cause I can definitely push him in the right direction for you."

The idol had given Nagi a playful wink, suggesting that she'd convince Nova to confess. However, it wasn't exactly what she wanted. After explaining that, even if her feelings for Nova were strong, 3 didn't just want to jump right into another relationship since she had just recently broken up with 4, with the Squid Sisters nodding in understandment. "Plus, I want it to come naturally instead of being nudged to do so, y'know?"

"Then it'll seem more from the heart..." Callie pondered to herself after 3 had finished her sentence. With a quick snap of her fingers, the inkling grinned, "I won't push it, but we'll be rooting for you two! We think you'd be adorable together."

3's face burned up some more, and with a quick glance from her surroundings, she slowly had begun to stand back up. The lime haired inkling's hand seemed to hold onto her Hero Shot tightly, imagining an image of the both of them together at some point in the future. Her heart had temporarily skipped a beat, and it felt as though her stomach had begun turning with a mind of its own. However, suddenly, a thought had crossed her mind that 3 had been meaning to tackle with both agents.

"...I want to bring something up to you two. It's just a suggestion, but hopefully we can implement it," 3 started, her nervous voice still recovering from her previous feelings of embarrassment.


"Hm, we'll have to go over with Gramps and see if we get a green light to go through with it," Marie's eyes met 3's. "It sounds a bit dangerous, but it seems as though it'd benefit us as well in a different way."

"We got this!" Callie smiled brightly. "I think it's really sweet that you're doing this for him too, Nagi. We'll give you updates whenever we get them!"

"Thank you," 3 smiled gently, stepping off of the Cuttlefish Cabin deck. "We'll be heading out now."

"Good luck!" Both Squid Sisters grinned happily at the inkling they've known for so long and waved her off.

Readjusting her kimono, Marie continued to hold her umbrella tightly as the winds swept through Octo Canyon. Her golden eyes slowly studied Agent 3 as she walked away with a hint of proudness. "3 has changed a lot in these past months huh?" Marie questioned, looking back at her cousin who had also been looking at 3.

"Mhm! It's been really nice to see how much more expressive she is." Agent 1 nodded before crossing her arms. "I really hope they end up together, they would be really cute."

"Mm. Can't say I don't feel bad for 4 though, how has he been?" Marie questioned, glancing back over at both Agents 3 and 8. They both were smiling each other, seemingly talking about something that was out of earshot of both idols. 3 seemed happy with 8's presence and vice versa, and with the chuckles Nova gave, it was even more obvious from a distance that the octoling was definitely in love with Nagi. "I don't know actually," Callie shrugged, a worried expression washing over the both of them. "He apparently called the week off. Maybe he's just upset and needs the space?"


~December 16th, Saturday Morning.~

Rapidly, the octoling had stood up in his room after plopping on the floor in his octopus form. It was the morning of the Splatfest, and 8 could already hear the music thumping out in the streets through his walls. Quickly, the octoling had thrown on some gear that would prove to be both warm and useful in the heat of battle. Despite the long amounts of training Nova had done throughout their week whenever he had an ounce of free time, his body had still yet to feel tired. In fact, Nova felt as if though he was full of energy. Nagi had accompanied him on these training matches whenever she could or wanted to (which was pretty often), and although she felt tired at times, Nagi had continued to push through in hopes of making this as much of a positive experience for him as she could.

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