Woomy #28: Declaration

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~ December 11th, Monday Morning. ~

As time went on, the pair's feelings seemed to grow more and more. Nova's injury was now much more visibly better, as 3 had continuously pushed him to put ice on it. It was still common for 8 to get his stares in public, despite the amount of time he already had in Inkopolis, but no one else had laid their hands on him since the previous incident. Nonetheless, 8 couldn't help but still feel as though he was alone in the city, although he had someone like Nagi to call his friend.

Even though Nova had already accepted his feelings for the inkling, 8 didn't want to step in and make a very obvious move (even though some of the things he had said and done could have already been seen as such), as to avoid getting in between 3 and 4. The same issue as to whether or not to move out out of respect as well as a feeling of overrelying on 3 and avoid weighing her down.

However, it was alongside the smooth passage of time that 8 would be able to pick up on subtle things that oddly reassured him. 8 had always been searching for ways to spend time together and asking 3, and it seemed as though Nagi too had picked up the habit. Perhaps it wasn't such a bad thing that 8 was there after all, even if their close friendship wasn't evident enough for the octoling. 3 never made it an issue regarding the fact that 8 was staying there until he was on his feet. Nova had been used to his life here in Inkopolis for awhile now, slowly moving on from his history in the Deepsea Metro and in the Octarian Army. 8 was able to grow in so many ways during this time period, emotionally and mentally to be exact, that otherwise would've been impossible in stressful conditions in the previously mentioned army or metro. Nagi was never and never had been consistently questioning when the octoling had moved out, nor ever made him feel as though he needed to.

This feeling only arose with each time Agent 4 had been mentioned, and out of respect for their relationship, would step out. 3 always reassured him that it wasn't an issue, and the fact that Nagi had willingly decided to take him in out of her own free will. All of this further reinforced the feeling that 8..didn't want to move out if at all possible. Even if he did feel as though 4 would see 8 in a negative light as a result from this, as he had already felt the vibe coming from the inkling when they first met, Nova still wanted to be close to Nagi regardless. Sure, the feelings were contradictory between what he wanted and what 8 felt as though he should do.

Nova already knew the lime haired inkling already had his heart, and still had that sliver of hope that he'd be able to have hers in return. The feeling of hope was small as Nova reminded himself that the inkling was, in fact, in a relationship.

That same morning, both the inkling and octoling had woken up early for their shifts at the Squidbeak Splatoon. However, it wasn't as early as 6 in the morning like how Nagi wakes up. This time it was 8 in the morning. While normally this would've been considered to be already late as seen before, oddly enough, both Agents 3 and 8 were scheduled for 9. Neither of them complained however, as more sleep was more than welcomed.

"Good morning Nagi," 8 yawned, stretching arms out over his head. The both of them had simultaneously opened their bedroom doors and had met at their respective doorways. Nova wore a baggy shirt over a pair of baggy pajama pants, while Nagi wore an oversized shirt that kept her warm funny enough. "Good..morning.." Nagi murmured with a yawn in between her words. As a result, the inkling's eyes had teared up, and she proceeded to rub them gently. Once again, her tentacles were all messed up which Nova found adorable.

"How'd you sleep..?" 8 questioned, as he started to help prepare their breakfast. The apartment felt cold despite the heaters being on, and both 3 and 8 would occasionally give a small shiver. The warmth of their bed covers were much warmer, and neither of them had wanted to get out of said bed.

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