Woomy #33: Squidmas

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"I...I caught up.."

Nova chuckled in between heavy breaths. Sprinting the entire time in this cold, this late at night, was definitely not on his agenda...but neither was the confession or a peck on the lips.

Nagi stared up at him with a gentle smile, noticing how red his cheeks and ears were before shaking her head. She too was breathing heavy. "Too slow."

Opening the apartment door, her keys still having the same lime squid keychain Nova has known for so long now, the newly found couple stepped in. 3 tossed her keys to the side on the kitchen counter.

"It's much warmer in here than out there," she commented, beginning to take Nova's coat off of her. The lime haired inkling stood there, for a second, a bit confused as to why she still had a coat on after already taking one off.

"W-Wait, is this yours Nova?" 3's face warmed up immediately.

"You just noticed?" Nova raised a brow, holding back a chuckle. "You've been having it on since you woke up back in Octo Canyon."

"You're kidding," Nagi blushed, but remained smiling. "You mean, you knew and you didn't say anything? Why was that?"

The octoling nervously readjusted the singular tentacle on his head, "W-Well, I just thought that..uh..you were cold..so I let you use it.."

Nagi raised an eyebrow, still blushing and smiling, already knowing that he's bluffing. Nova took wind of this, and quickly corrected himself, "Ok well, that's partialy true...Y-You looked cute..."

The inkling's cheeks reddened at the words, responding with a nervous thank you. Hearing Nova say such things made her heart race, and with everything that had happened only moments before, 3 was surprised that she hadn't been overwhelmed by it all at this point. Even before, she never remembered a time where she behaved like this with someone. It's easy to say that Nova had Agent 3 completely head over heels, much more than she even anticipated.

"L-Look, it's still Squidmas Eve," Nagi commented afterwards, turning her head to read the stove clock. "It's only 11:10, we should watch some movies or something until we get tired. What do you think, Nova?"

8, who still lingered on the fact that he called her cute face to face, perked up. "Y-Yeah! That sounds fun. Don't get mad at me if I end up falling asleep though..."

"You're tired...?"

"Let me remind you that you got both a nap and a coffee when you woke up," 8 teased, chuckling lightly. "I didn't get either of those."

3 nodded in, her heart still racing from how happy she felt.

As the pair took turns taking their showers (which was relieving for Nova to feel the warm water against his skin after not having a coat for a while outside), the wind howled from the exterior. The snow continued to pile on the Inkopolis streets. The tops of the street lamps had tiny piles of snow already, as well as whatever exposed surface. At some points, you'd be able to hear the laughter of inklings on the empty streets, presumably already having a mini snowball fight. What Nova failed to notice on their run however, was the fact that even now, Inkopolis continued to be decorated, despite not being a Splatfest. Little strings of flashing red, green and white lights would hang from buildings and signs, some lampposts even having little LED snowflakes illuminating alongside the actual lamps.

By the time Nova stepped out, already in a comfortable pair of flannel pajama pants and a slightly too big t-shirt, the apartment lights had already been switched off. The octoling could hear a kettle of hot water already whistling from within the kitchen, the tiny stove flame barely illuminating the counters around it. In the living room, the same boxes that Nagi referred to as 'junk' continued to sit in the same corner of the room, untouched. The tv was already turned on, the homepage of the Squidflix already being displayed. Amusingly, 3 had already brought out the giant octopus plush he had won her the day of the Splatfest, and tucked it underneath a blanket spread out on the couch. 8 let out amused puff of air before turning his attention to the inkling, who was already taking out a pair of mugs.

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