Woomy #6: Coffee

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With a splat, Nova had landed on the floor, falling off the bed in his octopus form. It didn't hurt, due to their nature of...squishiness? Groggily, he opened his eyes, the sunshine emitting through the blinds making him squint. It was awfully bright, and the noises of inklings conversing filled the streets outside. The octoling sat up, rubbed his eye a bit, then fixed the bed. The covers had fallen off with him. After fixing up his hair a bit with his hands, he slowly opened the door and peaked his head out the doorway. He couldn't make out any sound from within the apartment.

"3 must still be asleep.." Nova stared at her door, and walked through the small hallway leading to the kitchen and living room. His eyes glanced at the stove clock, reading 10:45 A.M. "We really slept in.."

Turing around to look in the living room, he jumped, staring at the silent inkling facing the pile of boxes. 3's back was facing towards him, seemingly reading something that he could not identify. Noticing the octoling's presence, she turned around and nodded good morning.

"Good morning," He responded, getting nervous and realizing that she was holding the note that flew out of the box. Did he forget to put it away? No, he was sure he put it back under the flaps. Plus it was an accident that it flew out. "Did you..go through this?" She asked in a monotone voice, holding the piece of paper up. He shook his head rapidly, feeling his ears getting hot. "I didn't go through it. When I was moving the box, the flap had opened and it glided out.."

Her orange eyes continued to stare at him as he explained. "Why is he getting embarrassed...?" 3 thought to herself, lowering her arm again.

"I'm sorry 3," He apologized, lowering his head a little bit. "I know it's a private matter, but I swea-"

Hearing a puff of air coming from her, he looked back up in surprise. "She's not mad..?"'

"It's okay, don't worry." She shrugged, putting the note back in the box and throwing the flap back over. "Let's eat breakfast."

Nova wanted to ask the inkling a question out of curiosity, but ended up deciding against it.

They both sat down after 3 had prepared their breakfast, frozen waffles. 8 poked it a bit with a fork before trying it. It was good.

"Do you want to look around Inkopolis..?" She asked, staring at her plate and putting a piece of waffle in her mouth, yawning immediately after she was done chewing. Nova nodded with an excited look in his eyes. "Then let's get changed, and we'll head out. Bring your Octoshot too." 3 watched in silence as he finished his waffle, stood up, and walked to the apartment entrance to pick it up.

Nova turned around with a smile, waiting there. 3 stared. "Right." He didn't exactly have a change of clothes besides the all black outfit he had coming out of the Deepsea Metro. Did he end up sleeping in that too? 3 shook her head, stood up, and went to rummage through the mess of a closet, trying to find a change of clothing that would be suitable for him.

As she sorted through the mess of clothing, some relatively new, some she didn't even remember buying and others that were somewhat old, she ended up with a sweater she deemed a little too big. It was a grey hoodie, with blue lettering in their language on the front in print. "Here, borrow this." 3 plainly said, handing over the hoodie after walking up to him. Nova stared at her hand and to the sweater, smiled and thanked her for her generosity. The octoling put it on after setting his Octoshot down and 3 walked away to change herself, getting her weapon in the process.


"Let's go," 3 walked past Nova, opening the door. She wore a cream-colored shirt with pink lettering on the front (Ivory Peaks Tee), a pair of leggings and her black and white hi-tops (Truffle Canvas). Nova wore the hoodie he was given, as well as the black pants and boots. It looked strange from 3's viewpoint, but she shrugged it off.

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