Woomy #8: Friends

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"You did amazing," 8 complimented the inkling, pointing at her score. 3 shrugged, not thinking much about it. After all, she didn't actually play this kinda stuff 90% of the time, but nonetheless it was still found impressive by 8, especially since it was all under 3 minutes.

"You did great for your first match," 3 praised him, getting a bright smile back from him. The inkling turned away, a little too overwhelmed by the smile's innocence.

"I..I couldn't have done it without you."

Nova's words made her eyes widen a little bit. It was an unexpected, yet sweet thing to say. 3, a little embarrassed by the praise, turned around to hide her face. It was strange how 8's comments would make her feel a little embarrassment. After all, she often received praises for good work from literal idols adored by practically everyone in the world, yet the words they say just don't hit the same. Perhaps it's because 3 already was aware that 8 just had a pure, innocent heart.

8 himself was a little confused as to why she turned away, but had been distracted by someone tapping on his shoulder. The octoling snapped his head around, and met eye to eye with an inkling. 8 quickly recognized him as the brush from the opposing team wearing an Olive Ski Jacket, sweats and Black Norimaki 750s for shoes. He had purple eyes and yellow, slick back hair. He wasn't any taller than 8, in fact, they were probably around the same height. Nova was a little hesitant, worried that he'd point out something or judge him for being an octoling.

"You were actually pretty good out there. You put up a good fight," The inkling chuckled, sticking his left fist out. He accommodated his brush in his arm in such a way that it wouldn't fall out of grasp with one hand. Nova was a little surprised that he hadn't mentioned anything about being an octoling or given him a weird stare. 3 had turned back around, noticing that he was now talking to an unknown inkling. However, 3's continued to stare subtly, curious as to where this was going.

Readjusting his grip on his Octoshot, 8 responded, "You put up a good fight too." 8 extended his right arm out, bumping fists together.

"We should run some matches together at some point," The inkling started. "I'm sure we'd make a good team!"

"Y-Yeah!" 8 stuttered a bit, before they both chuckled.

"Ah, sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Parker."

"Nova." He nodded.

Parker once again moved his arm around, noticing that the brush had begun to tilt downwards. "I meant to apologize earlier if I looked at you weird. In the lobby I mean," He chuckled. "I just never thought I'd meet and fight against an octoling."

There it was. But at least it wasn't a bad thing.

"And here I thought that I would never play a Turf War battle, but here I am," They both laughed. Parker seemed friendly. He never made any weird faces or anything throughout their entire interaction, and would, in fact, continuously smile. It was a refreshing moment, not feeling the weird stares of anyone else and their judgmental expressions and actually having a conversation with another inkling. However, this didn't mean he was tired of 3.

"Let's exchange ID numbers to party up at some point, I'm leaving right now, but it'd make it easier to fight together at some point." Parker explained, fishing through his sweats pocket while also being careful as to not drop the brush. His hand held out a card reading "toaster #1652" with a bright green and yellow design layering under the text. 8 stared, unsure as to what it is, looked at the card then back up at him. "What's this..?"

"It's a splashtag. Helps you to identify yourself and friends." 3 butted in, now standing next to 8. "You insert your card..." 3 fished it out, showing Nova a normal splashtag reading "Nova #1008". "..into the computer thing over there, and registers both of your cards as friends. So when you're both in Deca Tower, it'll show you on the screen if they're here or not to party up. It'll also register whatever cash you get from matches."

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