Woomy #26: 12

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"Hey Draco, what's up?"

Nagi picked up the phone, as Nova, in a defeated expression, sighed and turned around. Hopefully she didn't catch what he was trying to say. Due to how close the inkling was to him having the conversation with Agent 4, he could make out a lot of what they were saying.

"Is everything okay? Did you find Nova..?"

"Yeah, I found him. Everything's okay."

"...That's good."

There was definitely a hint of jealousy within his voice.

"Listen," Nagi's voice softened, though the reddening of her face slowly disappeared. "I'm sorry for bailing on our date all of a sudden."

"Don't worry, I understand you had made plans prior to me asking you."

Nova, glanced back up at the moon, and with a wince from his bruised eye, gave a small yawn. Internally, Nova smacked himself in the head. Moments ago he had just told himself that he wouldn't get in between 3 and 4, only to almost confess what he felt towards the inkling immediately after. Maybe it was a good thing that 4 suddenly called, almost as if acting as a wake up call for Nova, bringing him back into reality.

Once again, he heard Draco's voice.

"If you'd like maybe we can reschedule for something different next week..? Maybe you can come over or something."

A face of uncertainty washed over Nagi's expression, and she subtly glanced at Nova and back out at the glimmering lake. "S-Sure," 3 visibly nodded, even though 4 himself wouldn't have been able to see it through the call. Nagi's face wouldn't redden or show any signs of excitement about the rescheduling, which Nova found odd considering 4 was her boyfriend. However, 8 truly didn't know what 3 was feeling exactly or thinking, so he wouldn't jump to conclusions.

"Alright, sounds like a plan! We'll talk later..?"


"Ok then, I'll see you later Nagi. Text me when you get home safe."

"Will do," Nagi's expression remained unchanged. She pulled the phone away from her ear for a second, examining the phone screen that automatically turned on. 8 would catch a glimpse of it, and would notice that the male inkling's name on her phone was..not even his name. It was just a plain "4". Both the inkling and octoling jumped once they heard Draco's voice again calling for her.

"Y-Yeah? Sorry I didn't hear you calling out to me."

There was a sound of deep breath on the other side of the call.

"...I love you."

Nagi's eyes widened at the words, as 8's heart felt as though it sunk a bit more within his chest. A heavy sensation rested on his shoulders hearing what 4 had told 3. Nagi's response would make it feel as though his heart sank even lower, not expecting at all to hear something like that come out of her mouth.

"I..do too," 3 responded hesitantly, before the call ended. With a sigh, and a slight adjusting of her tentacle behind her ear, Nagi racked her mind as to what exactly she was feeling about..everything. Earlier in her date with Draco, he had held her hand, yet 3 didn't feel a single skip in her heart, or seemed to be touched by the action. Sure, she felt embarrassment from it, and even then 3 was able to suffocate the feeling quickly.

In that moment too, she recalled, Nova had flashed through her mind. Even after Draco had complemented her robe did she think about Nova.

Though the thought itself embarrassed her and caused 3 to blush lightly, a soft smile crept onto her face. However, to Nova, it seemed as though she was happy the way her conversation with Draco ended. Quickly, Nagi shook her head, as if to ignore her thoughts for awhile longer and turned to look at 8.

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