Woomy #9: Note

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The inkling didn't turn at all to look at him. Her eyes seemed to be too focused on the sky, which gave her eyes that sparkling fiery look in combination with the orange. 3's face remained plain, not thinking too much about it, as she supported her upper body up with both her hands planted on the floor.

Nova on the other hand, remained in shock at the sudden confession. "Nagi.." He whispered it to himself. He actually liked her name, despite it being something you wouldn't hear very often. Before Nova knew it, his face began to feel a little warm, and it wasn't because of the setting sun. "Nagi.." He whispered once more, the name resonating in his head. To say the least, he wanted to engrave it into his head as soon as possible.

"3-" He attempted to start, but cut himself off immediately, already forgetting that she had given her name. "..Nagi.."

"Hm?" 3 turned her head around to look at him. She wondered where the octoling was going with this, especially seeing his lightly blushing face. Nagi hoped that it wouldn't go immediately to that as it would certainly make things awkward very early.

"..We should hang out again tomorrow," He grinned sheepishly. "Today was really fun."

3 gave a small smile back, and gave a subtle nod. The confirmation made the octoling happy, especially since today had gone so well.

"Does that mean we're friends..?" Nova asked out of the blue once more. He remembered how she mentioned that she would tell him her name once they got to know each other a bit more. 3 gave it some more thought than she should've, staring back at 8 and back at the sunset. It wasn't that she was thinking about whether or not to say yes to the question, Nagi had already begun to view the octoling as a friend, it's just that that question hasn't been asked directly very often. Friendships sort of just happen sometimes, where neither party mentions it, but they know they're friends.

"Of course," Nagi confirmed in a soft voice. Once again, she readjusted her hair, the tentacle flopping to the side. "You're right, today was fun."

Nagi stopped for a second, remembering that she'd have to go back to Octo Canyon to do a check up on the different areas to make sure no Octarians were trying to attack or something. It was rare for them to actual appear, much more for them to engage in combat. Plus, even if they weren't there, it certainly takes a lot of walking around and gets tiring pretty quickly. Super jumping takes a lot of stamina pretty quickly, so in the end it'd make her feel more tired.

Almost coincidentally, she got a message on her phone. Both the inkling and octoling perked up and turned in the direction of the ding. Nagi checked, swiping her phone to unlock it, and seeing who it was. A message from Agent 1, Callie, saying: "Hey 3! How are you doing? How's 8 holding up?" To anyone else, having the Squid Sisters as casual contacts must be a dream come true, yet for 3 it feels like another inkling she talks to. But to avoid any extra unwanted attention, she changed their contact names to something more discreet. Calie and Maria respectively. Surprisingly it works.

"Who's that..?" 8 asked scooting over a bit. "Just Agent 1."

Nagi made sure to keep her updated in case of anything, said they were both fine and that she'd be heading over to Octo Canyon to check up tomorrow.

"Oh you're working tomorrow?" 8 asked, his ears drooping a little bit. His expression saddened a bit realizing that they wouldn't be able to hangout again like today, but brightened up a little once he remembered they were quite literally roommates. "I'm sorry, I didn't remember until now," Nagi apologized, to which Nova assured that it was ok. "I have to patrol Octo Canyon."

"Octo Canyon.." 8 whispered to himself, trying to connect an image of a place with the name. he readjusted his body in a more comfortable way, feeling the nice and cool grass brush up against his skin.

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