Woomy #12: Questions

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4's hand shook his aggressively. 8 only stared in silence at the handshake and back up at the smiling inkling, thought he could pick up on the hint of what he could only assume was anger? Passive aggressive to say the least.

"Y-Yeah, 8. That's me.." Nova mumbled a little bit, unsure as to how to respond to everything going on right now. Who was he? 8 only assumed that he was acquainted with 3, since they were standing side by side when he opened the door.

4 had let go of his hand, and took a step so that he stood within the doorway. He looked ahead as 8 stepped aside, and made eye contact with 3 resting on the couch, watching the whole interaction silently.

"So this is the famous 8 you were talking about," 4 commented, resting his shoulder against the door frame and crossing his arms. Nova stared nervously back and forth between 3 and 4, feeling the tension in the air. The octoling wanted to ask something but held back for a second, what he did ask was, "Who is this Nagi..?" Nova walked over to the living room, sitting on the opposite couch and looking at the both of them. Nagi didn't respond immediately and had instead asked for her keys back politely, to which he tossed her, the little squid on her keys looking like it was super jumping across the room.

"Nova, this is Agent 4. Aka Draco." Nagi's hand motioned over to the inkling standing in her doorway, eyeing the both of them. 3 could easily tell something was bothering 4, and 8 being nervous. "He's one of our Squidbeak Splatoon Agents."

Nagi turned to look at Draco, and motioned her hand towards Nova, "Draco, this is Nova. Agent 8."

Both Nova and Draco, who were on opposite ends of the apartment, only gave each other a subtle nod.

"So..what's this about..?" 4 asked. "..You two living together I mean."

Nagi explained how Agent's 1, 2, 5 and 6 were all out for the moment, trying to make progress in their idol careers while also not disappearing for too long as to not arose suspicion. "So, they asked me to help him, so I am." 3 finished explaining. However, 8's ears drooped a little bit hearing that. The way she phrased it made it seem like she only is helping because she was asked to. That was the opposite of what 8 wanted, the last thing he wanted was to make her feel forced to show him around and how things worked.

"I see," 4 scratched his head a bit. He was a little jealous of 8, in the aspect that he got to see her everyday pretty much guaranteed in the comfort of home. Though 8 was clueless as to what 4 felt, his attitude had given off that he was bothered. "I could've taken him in too you know," He hesitated a little bit. Agent 4 continued to stare at the octoling nervously staring back, with 3 also looking at the both of them.

4 was still slightly in shock seeing an Octarian living up here in the surface. It was something that he, alongside 99 percent of Inkopolis, would never imagine seeing happen. But there he was, an Octarian, the same enemy he had been fighting against to protect Inkopolis alongside Nagi, sitting here among the inklings in the city. Especially right across from the inkling he still had feelings for. It was a lot to process, and he reminded himself on what 3 had said earlier as to why she hesitated.

"I see what you meant about earlier.." 4 sighed, understanding what she meant. Nagi nodded, not necessarily saying anything.

Nova knew her name already, meaning that Agent 3 had told him herself. Back then when they first met at a Squidbeak Splatoon meeting, he had talked to Agent 3. Yet, she never once turned around to respond, much less look at 4. Now, Nagi herself had already claimed that they were friends already, with 8 even nodding along to what she had said. 3 had befriended the enemy.

"They seem close already.." 4 noted. And they were living together? The question rested in the back of the inkling's mind, completely unrelated to his earlier thoughts, but was unsure as to ask it. "Screw it.." 4 thought to himself.

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