Woomy #24: Eyes

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For a second, Nova had felt as though he wanted to disappear. After trying so desperately to hide it, why did he just reveal it like it was nothing? To be fair, he had lost himself in the moment, and had faced the inkling without even realizing it.

Her giggle, her soft grin, her sparkling orange eyes under the moonlight, her beautiful lime tentacles, the cute hairclip, her fancy robe...Nagi looked as beautiful as ever. How could he not turn to look at her? How could he not fall for the inkling more? Hell, she even ran across Inkopolis in order to find him just because she was worried. Could you really blame him for turning around to look at her? This wasn't something that you could see everyday. Maybe that's why he had forgotten about his eye there.

"Nova, what happened?" Her stern yet gentle voice reaching his ears, which felt as if they were burning up. The inkling had scooted closer to 8, feeling the blades of grass underneath her, in hopes of being able to take a good look at his eye. From the brief moment that her mind was able to process it, it looked as if it had shades of light purple surrounding his eye socket. Nagi's head seemed to be in denial, hoping that she hadn't seen it correctly, and began to actively ask Nova.

Though the octoling had remained silent as he tried to come up with something to say in response.

"I-It was just a small accident," Nova let out a puff of air in order to paint it in a better light. "There's nothing to worry about-"

Suddenly, the octoling had found himself reliving the night Nagi had laughed.

Her soft hands had once again reached over, and whipped the octoling's head around to face her. His tentacle seemed to whip around as well, as his eyes widened with the sudden action.

3's hands were as surprisingly soft as the time she had held his from the time they went to the Shoal, and the time where she had gently held his face as she wiped the cola off of him. It wasn't to say that Nova could hear the thumping of his heart echo loudly within his chest, and almost immediately felt his face rise rapidly in temperature. Despite the cool sensation of the grass on his hands and lower body where he sat feeling refreshing, all of a sudden it felt as if it was noon on a hot day. Nova had been missing this feeling since the last time she had done this, and came to realize that he actually loved it when Nagi did these things. Only emphasized all the more with the contradiction of her avoiding physical contact if possible and the seriousness behind her eyes.

On the contrary from the snack run they had that night, instead of a laughing and smiling inkling, Nagi had found herself examining Nova's expression with concern.

"Nova, what happened?" She asked once more, cupping the octoling's face as she nudged his head side to side. 3's heart was racing, worried over the octoling's state and thinking about what could've possibly happened in the moments that she was eating with Draco. "Did someone do this to you?"

The octoling lifted his hand, and held the outside of hers, making Nagi's eyes widened.

"I-I'm okay," 8 chuckled brightly, still blushing. "I only was walking by someone with a roller over their shoulder, and well, they whipped around suddenly and hit me in the eye. I-It was an accident though! You don't have to worry."

Noting that his eyes seemed to sadden a bit with the ending of his statement, as well as his right bruised eye wincing a bit,

With a determined frown, Nagi simply stated, "Don't lie to me."

A strong wind had suddenly swept by, blowing the pair's tentacles into the sky. The both of them would attempt to cover their face and adjust their hair once more as Nova attempted to come up with something to say. Currently, Nagi seemed to be very intuitive. The chuckle and grin didn't seem to change her unwavering expression either.

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