Woomy #10: Canyon

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Slowly, 3's eyes opened because of a loud and obnoxious noise, her alarm clock. It glowed with red numbers, 6:00 A.M., almost as if mocking her for having to wake up early. Giving a sigh, her arm reached out from under her covers and shut the alarm off. The room was starting to feel a little chilly, especially considering they were nearing the end in October and the temperature outside was going to start dropping.

Groggily, Nagi sat up, rubbed her eye tiredly, and stepped out of bed. The inkling had no memory of what she had dreamt that night, if she did at all, and contemplated this as she rummaged through the closet in search of her Hero Suit. Not realizing it sooner, especially since she had just woken up a couple of seconds ago, it was one of the few articles of clothing still hung up on the rack. Nagi put on a casual outfit as to not raise any suspicion in public in case any inkling or jelly was out early in the morning and saw her in said Hero Suit.

Stepping out the door, careful as to not make too much noise to wake up 8, she had begun to walk to the living room.

"Ah, good morning," Nova gave a timid wave from the couch. Nagi had been staring at the floor rubbing her eye, so his voice had suddenly made her jump with an alert expression. Giving a frown before relaxing her face once again, she sighed, "You scared me..Good morning."

The octoling apologized, stood up from the couch and was questioned as to why he was awake so early. "You should probably take advantage of the fact that you can sleep in while you still can," Nagi had explained. Nova then explained that he had accidentally fallen asleep on the couch after their conversation last night, and woke up once she heard her door open.

The two shared breakfast, another meal of heated frozen waffles, this time with an added bonus of maple syrup. Neither of them really spoke up at this point, especially since it still seemed to early for Nova to strike up conversations with the inkling. Despite himself being tired, he was sure that 3 was as well, which she was.

The inkling went to the bathroom, grabbed a bag in which she stuffed her Hero Shot as well as her Hero Gear, threw a hoodie over her shirt, adjusted her hair a bit, and began heading to the front door. Out of the corner of her eye, Nagi could spot the octoling rushing into his room, closing the door and hearing rummaging of a bag followed by silence. From the bathroom entrance she could see the mini hallway that had their bedroom doors facing each other on opposite sides, which is where the inkling stood confused as she brushed her teeth.

It was then that the octoling stepped out in some of the clothing that they had bought together the day before. It was clothing that was meant to be more casual, not on the competitive side of Turf War or Ranked, meaning it couldn't get any abilities added on. He wore the dark sweats, a pair of white sneakers  and a white shirt with a little blue squid design, ironically for an octoling.

"I want to go with you," 8 simply stated, waiting by the front door as 3 put on her shoes. 3 thought about it for a second, but shrugged it off. It sounded nice to have company on her way there. "Yeah sure. It's chilly out right now though."

"I can bear it for now," He replied.


Walking alongside each other, the inkling and octoling stepped through the silent streets leading up the Inkopolis Square. 8 was quick to notice that there weren't many inklings out compared to the time they had slept in and stepped out. It was odd to hear the city as quiet as it was, since he had gotten so used to crowding noises from yesterday as they shopped and fought.

"I have no idea what I'm going to do today," Nova spoke, not directly at Nagi, but out loud for her to hear. 3 didn't respond to it, despite having sometime since she had woken up, 3 wasn't necessarily in a talkative mood. However, she noticed a small look of disappointment in 8's face, almost like he hoped she would respond. Adjusting her hoodie, 3 shrugged, "There's always Turf War, maybe you can try a ranked battle too."

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