Woomy #20: Reminisce

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The rising sun began to shine through the living room windows, and onto the inkling's face specifically. Though, it wasn't exactly the sun that had woken Nagi up.

Her Studio Headphones were apparently on, and even though she couldn't recall when she had placed them back over her ears, her alarm still loudly beeped into her ears. The sudden noise made Nagi jump up, before processing the fact that she was on the living room couch. Rubbing her forehead, she attempted to remember what had happened the night before, before she knocked out of course.

That's right. Nova had accompanied her to the convenience store, they talked, they got some snacks, they even went back home to watch a movie or something on the tv. That's when she probably fell asleep. Though, she could remember that neither of them talked much throughout the movie. There was an odd tension in the air that neither the octoling or inkling knew how to approach, so instead, they didn't speak about it. Nonetheless, something still bothered the inkling's mind, knowing that there was something beforehand that didn't sit right with her.

Nagi's tired eyes widened, remembering what exactly it was she couldn't identify.

She laughed. In front of Nova. She had approached him very closely, and even held his face.

3 began feeling her face burn up, her mind already replaying the moment over and over. The thumping of her heart echoed within her head, and she so desperately tried to calm down. It is to be noted that her alarm was still beeping in her ears loudly throughout this.

"Why did I do that...?"

Her emotions have been stirred up too much these past few days, a lot more than she could handle.

With a sigh, 3 picked up her phone after rummaging for it in between the couch cushions and stared at her home screen. It was the default one for the squid shaped phone, and the time glared Friday, December 1st. 6:01 A.M. After calming down and swinging her legs over and down, she looked on the opposite couch. There, Nova slept peacefully on his side, one of his arms hanging over the edge of the cushion. 8 wasn't snoring, but you could hear his breathing from the silence in the apartment. The middle of the table was filled with the snacks that they had gotten, all spread out.

Nagi was scheduled that morning for an early parole, which she found odd since 3 was always scheduled for all day. That would mean she'd be off by noon if she was lucky. If she was especially lucky, nothing would happen on her parole through Octo Canyon, which she heavily hoped for.

Rubbing her eyes and yawning, 3 had begun to start her morning routine of getting changed, getting her gear, brushing her teeth, fixing her tentacles, and skipped breakfast. Not only because she wanted to avoid waking up the octoling from the noise she'd make in the kitchen, but also because 3 had simply woken up without an appetite. Later on, on her walk towards the grate, she would curse herself for not eating something as the hunger hit her.


Propping up from the grate, and looking around the Octo Canyon entrance, everything remained the same as she remembered it. The only thing that surprised Nagi a little bit was that the Squid Sisters weren't already by Cuttlefish Cabin since they'd typically be there to greet them by now. With another quick glance, sitting on one of the ripped up, singular seat sofas, was none other than 4, who scrolled through his phone, already wearing his Hero gear. Almost immediately, a strange feeling of nervousness swept through Nagi, though she tried her best to hide it.

Noticing someone's eyes on him, 4 perked up from looking at his phone, and glanced around. In the end, both 3 and 4 had locked eyes, and a small grin had taken shape on Draco's face.

"Good morning, Agent 3" 4 gave a small wave, before motioning to the other remaining seat in front of the antennae tv. "Take a seat." 3 nodded silently as her response, before explaining that she'd change first and then take his offer.

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