Woomy #34: Flame

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Nagi's sight lingered on the sky, watching each individual cloud pass by.

It was cold, and as per usual, mist would be exhaled with each breath.

"..agi..nagi..naGI...NAGI!" A voice faded in.

Shaking her head, her lime tentacles whipped around. There, standing before her, was none other than the Squid Sisters.

"Someone seems out of it.." Agent 2 teased, covering her mouth while giving a light giggle.

"Is something up?" Agent 1 followed up, taking a seat next to Nagi.

It's been 5 days since Squidmas, with tomorrow being Squid Years Eve. 3 had gotten a morning shift, and was supposed to be working with Nova...if he was able to go in anyways.

"Actually, isn't Agent 8 supposed to be here today?" Marie pondered, wincing to herself. "I thought you had scheduled him, Callie-"

"I did! I swear!" She blushed, waving her hands as if to dodge the accusation. "You two are roommates, so what happened to him?"

3 sighed, a developing a soft smile, "He caught a cold. I had warned him the night of Squidmas Eve, but he didn't listen. I guess it hadn't hit him until today.."

"Are you sure it's okay to just leave him home alone like that..?" Marie questioned, now taking a seat next to Callie. Simultaneously, she had whipped out her phone, presumably texting someone to come pick up a shift.

"Yeah," 3 sighed again. "I had told him I'd call off to stay with him, but Nova insisted that I went."

"Really? He can't be too bad in a state then, right?"

"No yeah, he's fine. Nova said something along the lines of 'got to get your cash up' to me," Nagi giggled to herself at the thought of it.

The Squid Sisters would share a brief laugh between them, before Callie resorted to her usual love talk antics.

"Sooooo..." Callie's words overly extended, poking 3's shoulder briefly. "Any updates on you and 8...? Have you dropped any hints on him...?"

Marie, although silent, stared at Agent 3 with curious eyes. Clearly, she too was eager to know, but was not nearly as obvious as her cousin. Nagi shyly tightened her grip on her Hero Shot.

"W-We've actually started dating..." 3 whispered, just barely loud enough for Agents 1 and 2 to hear.



3's ears reddened by the second, when did she get so gossipy with these two?

"This is a joke right?!" Callie practically squealed. "You're just messing with us!"

Nagi, jaw tight, gave a nervous head shake no. How red was her face right now?

"W-Wait when did this happen? Who confessed first??" Marie interjected, wide eyed and pretty much shoving her cousin out of the way. 

"S-Squidmas Eve," Agent 3 was just barely able to get the words out before pushing on to continue. "...H-He did first..."

"EEEE!" Agent 1 squealed, giving an excited jump before locking Nagi in a tight embrace. "I'm so happy for you!! You two have always been sooo cute together!"

"C-Calm down, Callie! You're embarrassing Nagi!" The Squid Sister protested, attempting to pull 3 out of 1's grasp.

"Oh! That's right!" Callie let go of Nagi, to which Marie presumed that her cousin had listened to her. Alas, she did not. "Check this out!"

Adjust (Agent 3 x Agent 8)Where stories live. Discover now