Woomy #14: Feelin8s

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It was roughly two weeks later when both Agent 1 and 2 had returned, as did Pearl and Marina, who were now back at making map and mode shift announcements. Nova had gotten used to life in Inkopolis so far, even getting to hang out with Parker some more. Sure, the pair of friends have gotten food together here and there, but they bonded a lot more through Turf and Ranked Battles. This was also where he would slowly level up as well as earn more cash. Their communication between the two was on point in the heat of battle. 8 assumed it was more for him simply through his experience in the Deepsea Metro, which his mind would linger on for sometime.

"Hah, you're way too good at this," Parker would chuckle, wiping his forehead of the enemy ink and fist bumping the octoling after he saved him from a surprise roller.

"Of course, I got your back," 8 chuckled along before they both focused their attention back on the battle.

Between Agent 3 and Agent 8, they grew closer as time went on. It seemed as if 3 was more open about the idea of conversing with 8, as she would more often talk with him too. Once again, the octoling would remark to himself about how much 3 had changed compared to when they first officially met. From a very serious and silent inkling, to a more expressive and talkative one. 8 had hoped it was because she felt more comfortable around him, since if she wasn't, it'd be weird, as they quite literally live together. Nova would then remind himself about how they had met before, but they were very brief moments, and even then they must've been a blur for her. His mind just repressed these memories as he was blinded by the fact that he was in a new world.

That begs the question, however, did she remember anything about it?

"That's right!" 8 widened his eyes, staring at the Octoshot in hand as they both watched some tv before they headed for Octo Canyon. Since the Squid Sisters were now back, they had asked for Nagi to bring him along as to show him the ropes. Though, 3 reassured that it wasn't anything complicated to get used to.

"Not only did she save me now with giving me a place to stay and showing me around.." His mind lingered, his orange eyes subtly glancing at the inking girl sitting not far beside him. Her orange eyes stared blankly at the movie playing, seemingly entertained, with her right cheek resting on her right hand. "She saved me back then too..If she hadn't responded to that distress signal, I wouldn't be alive right now!"

The pair both had their bags, Nagi handing him down a slightly older one, with their belongings to bring to the cabin. They were just currently waiting for the time to start heading out. Nagi had accidentally caught the octoling looking at her before 8 quickly glanced away when she peeked at him, prompting her to pick up the remote and pausing SquidFlix. She turned to face him.

"W-Why'd you pause it Nagi..?" Nova asked nervously, literally unsure.

"What's on your mind?" She asked, rather intuitive. It was as if she could read his thoughts.

"It's nothing I swear, I just remembered something." Nova reassured, waving his hand a little bit. Nonetheless, Nagi didn't take that as an answer, made clear with a raised eyebrow. The octoling glanced back at the Octoshot he had set aside and back at her, with a sigh in between.

"This might sound dumb..but you do remember how we met briefly before..? Y'know like in the Deepsea Metro..?"

Nagi, rested her chin on her fingers, clearly trying to remember the events. She remembered..responding to a distress signal in the Deepsea Metro and super jumping through and knocking over something, and then..blank. The inkling scratched her head as the apartment fell silent trying to rack up something. The brief moment where she had woken up and actually made eye contact with 8 at the time, and they watched the sea as they flew back to the Octo Canyon. If 3 remembered correctly, the two didn't necessarily exchange many words whatsoever, if at all.

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