Woomy #2: Idols

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It was silent.

After Agent 3 had taken her seat a distance away from Nova himself, not a single word was spoken. Agent 8 didn't exactly know how to approach the inkling, especially since his initial moves were seen as hostility by her. At the very least his efforts weren't in vain. After all, 3 ended up sitting next to him.

The sunset wasn't going to last much longer, and soon enough, the sky will turn dark. It was getting colder, and the clothing that Nova had on wasn't enough to keep him warm. "I wish the sun stayed out a little longer..." He whispered, holding himself as if it were to stop his shivering. 3 had peered over to him briefly but lost attention and faced away again.

Both Marina and Pearl claimed that 1 and 2 would be arriving soon, however it doesn't seem like they'll be arriving anytime soon.

"Hey 3? Do you happen to know when Agent 1 and Agent 2 will arrive..?" Agent 3 turned around once again and locked eyes with Nova. He got a nervous feeling once again and turned away after asking. From the small glimpse he got of her orange eyes, they weren't expressing much. Now that he thought about it, 3 didn't really make many expressions besides the aggressive and serious one. In fact, she hardly talked. Maybe she wasn't very sociable.

"I'm not sure." Was all that was said from her. "I was told to take care of you until they arrived."

Jumping up in his spot, 8 snapped his head to look at her. "You spoke to me! I was starting to worry you didn't like me."

Agent 3 bit her tongue and turned around. It wasn't that she disliked him, 3 thought to himself that the octoling was trustworthy. In fact now that the thought crossed her mind, she didn't know why she had acted so aggressively towards him when it came to his weapon. After all, he was just sitting inside the cabin with two idols/agents, with the same weapon sitting next to him and nothing occurred.

Slowly, she readjusted her cape and gave a sigh. "I'm sorry."

The apology came out suddenly, leaving even 8 confused as to why she said it.

"I-It's okay."

From the distance, a loud whirring began to stir up the air, making the breeze turn into stronger winds as it got louder. Agent 3 had no reaction to the incoming vehicle, well, besides her trying to wipe her hair out of her face. Agent 8 on the other hand, covered his entire face and squeezed his eyes shut.

The loud whirring of the helicopter blades slowly stopped once they had landed. The strong winds were stopped and replaced once again by the evening breeze. 8 stared curiously at the side doors, wondering who was about to step out. 3 on the other hand, stood up, grabbed her Hero Shot and moved towards the helicopter. "Ah, hold on 3!"

The pair stood silently before the helicopter as the engine died down. "Is this Agent 1 and 2..?" 8 leaned in close to 3 to whisper. Her head moved slightly away as his got closer. She nodded, still not looking at him directly. Nova was happy that their communication improved, but 3 on the other hand didn't think much of it. He was just another person here. 

Agent 8's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched who stepped out of the doors. 

Slowly, Agent 2 stepped out first. She wore her grey kimono with her green belt, which flowed almost majestically with her movement. Her red bow rested on top of her grey-white hair. Agent 1 came out a lot more energetically, her outfit being more casual. Her bright pink cardigan contrasted with her black camisole, which matched with her beanie. A cute yellow star rested on top of said beanie. 

"3!!" Agent 1 exclaimed happily, running over and jumping on top of Agent 3. She sort of held her back, but much to Nova's surprise, he managed to spot the smallest smile. 

"How are you doing 3?" Agent 2 greeted, following up behind Agent 1. 

"Good," She nodded. 

Up to this point, the Squid Sisters hadn't noticed the octoling's presence. 8 on the other hand was completely in shock seeing the Squid Sisters in the flesh. Callie turned around, her beanie slightly shifting atop of her head, and her smile brightened more. 

"You must be 8! We've heard so much about you!" Callie squealed, sprinting up to him and looking at him eye to eye. "My name is Callie, what about you 8? How long did it take you to come up here? Do you like it up here?" 

Nova a little overwhelmed by her presence and bombardment of questions, laughed nervously. "I uh..."

"Callie," Marie shook her head, raising her palm to her head. "Don't pester him too much, he's probably already tired from all this." Her golden eyes then shifted from Callie back to 8. "It's a pleasure to meet you 8. We're glad you're here."

Agent 3 glanced back and forth between the Squid Sisters and 8, processing the interaction. 

"I'm..very glad to meet you two!" Agent 8 bowed his head innocently. A little too aggressively. The little tentacle above his head flung around. Both Callie and Marie giggled. "Your song," Nova started up again, lifting his head as to meet their eyes. "Your song encouraged me to strike out of Octarian society. I can't thank you enough." 

Marie grinned at the words. 

"Aw we're so glad!" Callie exclaimed happily, embracing the octoling tightly. 8's face began to warm up from the embrace, not believing that one of the Squid Sisters was actually hugging him. 

"Well, I'll be heading back home." Agent 3 stated, beginning to head away from the group. "Goodnight." 

"Uhhh 3..?" Callie murmured nervously, her eyes darted to Marie.

The group fell silent, the only sound being the wind once more. 8, clueless, stared curiously at the Squid Sisters. 

"I'm getting a bad feeling..." Agent 3 thought to herself.


A.N. Another chapter done!

Word Count: 1015

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