Information you will need

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Welcome fellow readers. This first chapter is full of all the more detailed information you will need when leaving requests.

I will basically do any duo if requested. There will also be romantic relationships, such as:


There's probably so many ships that I forgot, so if you have a request for one, I might be willing to do it :) I say might as some people ship people who are not comfortable with it.

That's all for the duos and ships :) reminder that there are probably other ships I forgot about. If you notice that a ship that you like isn't there, you may make a request and I will let you know if I'm comfortable or not.

Things I will NOT write/do:

Smut. There will be sexual jokes, and sexual implications, but never direct sex.

romanticize abuse (may be mentioned)




Anything creepy.

Vampire AU (Sry just not my thing)

Teacher x student (just feels gross)

Big age gap or anything like that.

Omega/alpha/beta, or any shit like that. I don't know enough about it😭

I also have a system for each oneshot, basically telling you some major details that may not be directly included into the story.

This is what the system will look like:




Trigger warnings:_______


And so on

Let me just point out that this book will primarily be DreamNotNap/DNN, DreamNotfound/DNF, and DreamNap/DN. There will occasionally be other ships and duos, but these will still be the main three ships.

This is just something that I came up with when I was writing my first book, Dandelions, go read that btw. But I mainly wanted to make this just so you guys would get something from me whenever I was taking long breaks, but never got to it. But I'm still going to post these because I really like writing and I want more people to see my work.

But don't worry guys, I will be writing more books ;)

That's all for my boundaries and some key information :D
Enjoy your time here, enjoy the stories, and read away!

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