Friends with Benefits - Dreamnap

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Ship/duo/trio: Dreamnap

Genre: fluff, idk why but its kind of angsty for some reason. And it's kinda smutty😘 Not all the way tho! Not rlly thinking about adding that into the oneshot book as of right now, but it's HEAVILY, HEAVILY implied. (I talk about it but I don't narrate it)

Plot: for the first year of Sapnap living with Dream, they were very awkward due to the copious amounts of sexual tension they had, and they agreed to be friends with benefits. After a long time of engaging in such activities, Sapnap randomly called it off. Dream was confused, but never pried. So now it's been two years, Dream has face revealed and George has moved in, and they are all hitting a bunch of milestones. So how come it took two whole years for Sapnap to reveal the reasoning for the sudden ending?

Trigger warnings: none (I don't think?)

AU: none

Lol so this was kind of a request. I was chatting with my friend, and I came up with this idea, and they heavily encouraged me to write it, so yeah. Again, this kinda has ao3 vibes, so enjoy :)

This got oddly emotional for some reason💀

Two, almost three years ago, Sapnap moved in with Dream. They had been friends for over 9 years, and they were finally able to move in together. They were both ecstatic, but when Sapnap finally settled in, they found that they were extremely awkward. At first they just assumed it was because they just weren't used to living with each other, or even seeing each other in person. It was a lot to go from only knowing each other through a screen for the majority of their lives, and then live with each other. That's a big change. But over time, they both started to notice the sexual tension between them, and soon enough, they realized that's what was causing them to be so awkward. Although it was an awkward, and kind of uncomfortable conversation, they spoke about it, and tried to find the best way to solve their little problem.

They were going to be living together, they didn't want all this tension to keep them distanced from each other forever. Then Sapnap may as well move back to Texas. So eventually, with multiple conversations, and multiple offers of solutions, they agreed to be friends with benefits. They were both horny young adults, Dream was questioning shit so this could help him figure some things out, and overall, it could be really good for them. Who knows where it would lead them. But of course, Sapnap was very adamant about his sexuality, and how this was nothing but a way to burn off some steam.

"I'm not gay or anything though. I just-"

"We're horny, and we aren't dating anyone, so we're just gonna start fucking each other. I get that, don't worry."

They also made sure to have some serious conversations before they actually tried anything. They spoke about boundaries, one of them being Sapnap refused to take his shirt off, to which Dream was completely okay with, insecurities and what not to touch or comment on, what they were and weren't into, basic ground rules, and overall, they covered pretty much anything and everything to make sure that their experience was as safe and healthy as possible. They both got tested for any STIs, just for extra measures, and they were both clean. Even though they weren't dating, they still wanted to make sure that they were safe, and comfortable with everything they did. So that's also why they were both very insistent about their opinions on the situation.

"Also Nick, please don't feel like I'm just using you for sex. You're still my best friend, and I care about you so much."

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