You Didn't Know - DreamNotNap

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Duo/trio/ship: DreamNotNap/dnn

Genre: fluff

Plot: It's just how the rest of the night played out really.

Au: none

Trigger warnings: mentions of physical and verbal abuse, alcohol, mentions of manipulation, and scars.

Georges turn for comfort :D

Then some fluffy DreamNap🎉🎉🎉

George and Sapnap were currently cuddling on the bed. Dream was in the shower right now, so they took this opportunity to make up for the past two weeks.

"Hey, Nick?" George spoke up.

"Yeah?" Sapnap asked.

"Earlier, you said something about thinking I didn't love you, and still kind of thinking that. Was that- was that true?" George almost hesitantly asked. Sapnap took a moment to think.

"It-. I don't really know if I'm being honest. I was in a really fucked up headspace at the time, so maybe. I don't feel like that now anyway." Sapnap truthfully answered.

"Good. Because I couldn't live with myself if you thought I didn't love you," George said. "But can I ask one more thing?" He asked.

"Of course," Sapnap answered with a light smile on his face.

"Okay uhm. Why did you have such a big reaction when I called you selfish? I'm not saying that's true, and you should like- live with the truth, but I'm just curious as to why it hurt you to the extent that it did," He asked.

"Oh uhm. That's a lot to unpack, but okay. Uhm y'know how my mom was an alcoholic?" Sapnap asked.


"Yeah uhm. So I never really like to talk about this, but I don't mind talking about it with you. So when I was like, I don't know, 13 maybe? I decided to pour all of her alcohol down the drain. She wasn't a huge fan of that. She ended up screaming at me, and the entire time, she called me selfish and shit like that. And after a while, when I was around 15 or something, I got a small job and made some money for myself, she kept asking me to lend her some money. She said it was to help pay rent, but it was just for more alcohol. I obviously said no, but she ended up getting really pissed, and calling me selfish again. Saying that I never loved her, and if I did, I would help her out. Hell, she was so pissed, she got physically violent. In fact, she got so pissed, she broke the bottom of an empty wine bottle and cut me with it. Nothing too serious though, just a slash on my back. Left a bit of a scar though." He explained. He spoke about it so nonchalantly, yet you could still see that it effected him to think about it.

"I- d-did- c-could I uhm." George stuttered.

"You want to see it, don't you?" Sapnap questioned.

"I-if it isn't too much for you?" He asked.

"No I don't mind," Sapnap said with a reassuring smile. He backed away from George as he spoke up.

"For someone who doesn't like talking about this, you seem pretty comfortable right now," He pointed out.

"Yeah, I'm talking about it with you though, and that helps," Sapnap replied as he slid off the bed, inviting George to do the same.

"What do you mean?" George asked.

"Well, I tend to talk about this subject more freely and comfortably with people I love and trust. So I don't mind showing you anything, and answering any questions. I feel safe with you." Sapnap said as George slid off of the bed as well.

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