It Takes Two to Trust, Not Just You - Dreamnap

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Ship/duo/trio: dreamnap

Genre: Angst - fluff (mainly fluff)

Plot/summary: Dream used to be in an abusive relationship, but Sapnap helped him in the recovery process. 3 years later, they agreed to get into a relationship, but why does it feel so wrong when they go any further than a hug? (Something they've always done before they were dating). Why does he find it so hard to trust Sapnap? He's not her. He will never be her. So why do his hands feel like her's when his touch is meant to be loving? Why does touching him feel so wrong?


Dream slowly warms up to being in a relationship with Sapnap, and each sign of progress makes Sapnap fall more and more in love.

Trigger warnings: abusive relationships, flashbacks, implied ptsd, physical, and emotional abuse.

AUs: none

3 years ago.

It was 3 years ago that Dream finally managed to break free from his toxic ex. 3 years ago, Dream finally built up the courage to reach out, and ask Sapnap for help. Cry in his arms while he told him about all of the horrible things she did to him. But he was free. All thanks to Sapnap, and he could never thank him enough.

3 years later.

3 years later, he and Sapnap are in a relationship. He and Sapnap have given each other their trust, poured their hearts out and surrounded each other in the warmth of their love. But not in the warmth of their arms. Not yet.

Dream is fine with hugs. They did that all the time before. But cuddling? Holding hands and kissing? Not as easy. He can hold Sapnap. Wrap him up in his big arms while they watch a show. But he just can't let himself be held. It's too hard. It's too... vulnerable. Something he just can't let himself be. Not after everything she did to him.

"Shit, I forgot I have to pick my sister up from school today," Dream said as he stood up from the couch.

"Awe man," Sapnap pouted.

"I know, I'm sorry. She's going to her friend's house though, so we'll still get some time to hang out," Dream promised as he walked over to the door where his shoes lie.

"Why can't she just get a ride with them?" Sapnap asked.

"He goes to a different school, so it's just easier if I drive her," Dream explained.

"How are they friends then?"

"You ask too many questions. They've literally grown up together. Our parents were friends with their parents in highschool, so we've known that family since like- birth I guess. They didn't have any kids my age though, so she's the only one who's really friends with their kids," Dream answered.

"Oh okay. Wait he?" Sapnap said.

"Yes, he. Like I said, family friends. Nothing weird going on. Even if there was, I'd be fine with it, he's really sweet," Dream said.

"Okay..." Sapnap skeptically said.

"I thought I was supposed to be the overprotective brother," Dream mumbled.

"What was that?" Sapnap asked.

"Nothing!" Dream giggled, grabbing his keys.

"Alright, I'm off. I love you!" Dream smiled. There was silence for a moment. One second longer and Dream's heart dropped.

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