Café - Sapnap and Niki

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Ship/duo/trio: Sapnap and Niki don't have a duo name yet, so I'm officially calling them the Pretty duo

Genre: fluff

Plot: Sapnap and Niki go to a coffee shop to catch up a bit since it's been a while since they've hung out.

AU: none

Trigger warnings: none

Ik I said I had a lot of ideas, but I wanted to save them for a little bit later. So I asked my friends for some ideas, so this story was an idea/request from my friend charliechild100

She actually gave me a lot of ideas for future oneshots, so yeah. Enjoy :D

Btw, ur getting more stressed Sapnap :(

(Also pls send in requests!)

Niki and sapnap agreed to meet up. They barely see, or even talk to each other anymore, and decided it would be nice to catch up.

As Sapnap approached the small, local coffee shop they agreed on, he saw her doing the exact same. They met at the door and smiled.

"Hi Sapnap!" She happily exclaimed.

"Hey Niki," He smiled as she wrapped her arms around him, quickly reciprocating such actions. They continued to talk happily as they walked into the coffee shop. They had to put their conversation to a halt so they could order their drinks, but it didn't take long for Niki to start it up again. The barista called out Sapnap's name as he insisted on paying, and they both quickly walked up to grab their drinks. They sat down at a small table near the corner of the room as they spoke. The coffee shop was quite busy for a local café, so they didn't have to worry about speaking too quietly. Obviously they weren't screaming just to hear each other or anything, but they weren't practically whispering just so they could keep their conversations private.

"So. What's been going on with you?" Niki asked with a smile on her face.

"Oh. Uhm. Clay, George and I all got together," Sapnap answered happily.

"Like a polyamorous relationship?" Niki asked just to get confirmation.

"Yeah," He replied.

"Well that's awesome! How long?" She asked.

"Oh I don't know. Is was a bit after George moved in, so probably around seven or eight months?" Sapnap estimated.

"Damn, so it's been a while huh?" Niki asked.

"Yeah. What about you, what's your life been looking like?" Sapnap asked.

"Oh it's been good! I've been all over the place, but I'm really enjoying myself," She answered. As they spoke, they laughed, brought of random inside jokes that they haven't spoken of in years, remembered what life was like just a few years ago, made fun of stupid choices they made, and more. That was until Niki asked something that started a completely different conversation.

"But honestly, how have you been. I know life has been kind of hectic for everyone lately, but how has it been treating you?" She asked. Sapnap thought for a moment. How was he? He never took a moment to think about that.

"I mean, I guess I've been a little stressed lately," He answered truthfully. As he continued to think, he also continued to speak. The words were just falling off of his tongue, and he didn't even mean to say half of it. As he went on, he soon revealed to both Niki, and himself that he has been really stressed and anxious about multiple things, dealing with some family issues, his insecurities had been acting up, and overall has been dealing with a bunch of negativity in his life at the moment. He just never realized all of this because he had gotten so good at hiding his emotions from other people, that he also ended up hiding them from himself. Soon enough, he was tearing up as he rambled, and eventually, a few tears trickled down his cheeks. He wasn't sobbing, or letting out any cries, just sniffling and letting tears fall from his eyes.

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