Two Years! - DreamNotNap

351 8 15

Ship/duo/trio: Dnn

Genre: fluff

Plot: Sapnap, Dream, and George all celebrate Sapnap's huge milestone.

Trigger warnings: mentions and descriptions of self harm, scars, descriptions of self harm recovery, blood mentions.

AUs: none

Sapnap wasn't doing anything right now. He was just sitting in his bed staring at the ceiling, thinking. Until a notification cut his thoughts off.

Congratulations! As of right now, you have been clean for 2 years! Go on and celebrate!

No. There's no fucking way. Sapnap didn't believe it. He just couldn't. He quickly clicked on the notification, and surely enough, he had been clean for 2 years.

You have been clean for:
2 years
1 minute
34 seconds

Holy fuck... Holy fuck! He has actually been clean for 2 years! He originally thought getting this app would be too hard for him. That it would be too much to see his progress all the time. But instead, he basically ignored it until it notified him about big milestones. Last year was filled with tears and laughter, hugs and praising words. He can't imagine what today will be like.

He had to tell the others. He immediately rose from his bed, and just as he was about to go to make his way to Dream's room, he looked down at his thigh to quickly guide the fabric down. But he stopped. The scars. The scars that are a reminder of this very thing. This very milestone. He looked at them for a moment. And unlike he usually does, instead of looking down at them with regret. Instead of wondering why he had to make the stupid decision of doing such a thing to himself, he looked down at them with pride. He was going through a lot. His life was shit, and he had no idea how to cope. Those scars. Those lines that would be imbedded into his skin and flesh for the rest of his life were a reminder that he survived all of that. He won that battle and these scars were the remnants.

Feeling satisfied with himself and his success, he made his way over to Dreams room, not bothering to knock.

"Clay!" He yelled as he burst through the door.

"Huh? What? What's happening?" Dream frantically asked as he removed his headphones.

"Look!" Sapnap excitedly yelled, throwing his phone at Dream. Dream caught the phone, and looked at the screen.

"Woah... woah. Woah wait! W-Holy fuck! You- oh my god!" Dream slowly got more and more excited. "I'm so happy for you!" He exclaimed, getting up and hugging him. They laughed together while Dream held him, and soon, they heard another voice.

"I was sleeping, why are you guys screaming," George groggily groaned, leaning on the doorframe and rubbing his eyes. Sapnap just giggled at the tired look on George's face and handed the phone to him while Dream kissed all over his face.

"Look!" Sapnap said. George squinted at the phone, but soon enough his eyes widened. He rubbed his eyes in pure disbelief, but the screen didn't change.

"Oh my god, Nick!" George exclaimed. He immediately joined their hug, them gladly welcoming him. "Has it seriously been two years?!" George asked.

"I can't believe it either baby," Sapnap smiled. He really couldn't. It felt like just yesterday Dream found him in tears on the bathroom floor. It felt so recent. It felt so recent that Dream held him close to his chest and reassured him that everything was going to be okay despite blood trickling onto the floor. Today was a mixture of emotions for all of them. They were all so proud, yet they were bound to have some other emotions.

"I'm so proud of you, angel," George said before pressing a light kiss to Sapnap's cheek. If felt like it was just yesterday that Sapnap was put in the awkward situation of talking to a psychologist. But it also felt so recent that Dream held Sapnap's hand through the countless doctors appointments. Held his hand through the set backs and frustrations.

Eventually, they found themselves cuddled up in Dream's bed. Dream and George praised him for his progress and he couldn't be more happy. This was perfect. Being wrapped up in the arms of the people who helped him get to this point. A year ago, they celebrated this milestone in a different way. Both Dream and George gently rubbing circles into his hips while they kissed his scars and praised him till he was a crying mess. They kissed away the tears and told him how proud they were all while rubbing over the slight bumps of the scars. They always knew how to make him feel so, so loved. They always knew how to make him feel appreciated and cared for. And if a year ago it was kissing over the scars and praising every little noise he made, then that's what they would do. And if this year it's just being wrapped up in their arms and gently coaxed to sleep, then that's what they'll do. Anything for their strong little warrior.

852 words

Short and simple but I just wanna make sure you guys know that no matter how big or small the milestone, someone is proud of you. I'm always going to be someone <3 take care of yourself and be proud of your success. Whether you've been clean for an hour, a day, a month, a year, and a decade, your success as just as valid as anyone else's, never let anyone tell you otherwise. I'm proud of all of you and how far you've come <3

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