Can't Sleep - Sapnotfound

462 3 22

Ship/duo/trio: platonic (...?) Snf

Genre: hurt - comfort, fluff

Plot: George is still settling into Florida and finds it difficult to fall asleep when his mind won't stop thinking scary thoughts.

Trigger warnings: talk of depression, talk of panic attacks, talk of breakdowns, talk of loneliness, and talk of morning anxiety. They just yap abt shit tbh

AUs: none


LetUsForget you better actually PULL UP this time. You've been tardy too many times >:(

Lay down, relax your muscles, close your eyes, and breathe.

The four steps to falling asleep. Simple tasks. Lay down in the comfort of his new bed, sink into the sheets and close his eyes, and take deep breaths. All super easy. So why did it feel impossible? He would try to relaxed his muscles but certain parts of him just won't settle down. He keeps trying to take deep breaths, but they're all so unsatisfying and it's getting to a point where his chest is sore from the forced rise and fall of his breathing. He can't seem to get comfortable in his bed and closing his eyes just isn't working. He's so tired and exhausted, yet he just isn't ready to fall asleep. And it all comes down to one question he's asking himself.

Where will I wake up in the morning?

He just moved to Florida. He's still getting used to the idea of being here after years of loneliness. Hours spent at a desk, talking to his friends that he was fully convinced he would never get to see. Long nights of pacing around his room, the only sound to be heard being pathetic sobs and the heartbreaking sound of him hyperventilating.

And he had a fear. A fear that he'll have to go back to all of that. A fear that he'll wake up, realize this was all a dream, and repeat the cycle all over again. It's been a concern in the back of his mind, but it's never interfered with his sleep like this. Not until now.

He needed something. He knew he was on the verge of peaceful sleep, he just needed some sort of comfort. Some sort of closure. Any kind of reassurance that he would be okay. That he would wake up in the morning, and stay put. But how?

He thought of a solution. An embarrassing, humiliating, awkward solution, but it was one that right now, sounded really appealing. So he swung his legs over the edge of the bed, and stood up, cracking his back. Walking out of his bedroom and closing the door behind him with minimal volume, he stared at the door a few meters away from him. He slowly walked toward it, again trying to stay quiet as to not wake Dream who had announced he was going to bed a few hours ago.

He stood there. He was almost scared to raise a hand and bump his knuckle against the wood a few times, but he did. He waited anxiously for a response. Anything. A sleepy groan, a "fuck off!", anything. And he was given something.

He heard the sound of shuffling on the other side of the door, and before he knew it, there he was. There was Sapnap stood in front of him with a t-shirt and shorts, but not that stupid hat, looking tired and groggy. He wanted to apologize for waking him up, but before he could, Sapnap spoke up.

"What's up Georgie?" Sapnap sleepily asked, voice low and raspy.

"Oh- I- uh," George stuttered.

"Spit it out dude," Sapnap lightly teased.

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