Panic Attacks - Dreamnap

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Ship/duo/trio: Dreamnap(platonic at first)

Genre: Angst and hurt - comfort

Plot: Dream gets panic attack due to social anxiety but hides it from Sapnap because of some judgement in the past.

Trigger warnings: panic attacks, sexism/stereotypes, mentions of bad exes, talk of alcohol and drugs, mentions of violence, and very lightly implied (past) sexual assult(sapnap just thought something happened to Dream).

AUs: none

Literally just took a request I gave in a different oneshot book written by Spac3_l0ver and wrote it myself💀

Just letting you guys know tho that if you see the request written on their acc we both agreed that we are okay with having the same idea in out oneshot books because our writing styles are different!

Ah yes. Social anxiety. A very fun, overjoying anxiety disorder. Anyone would LOVE to have it. Yeah no. Dream has it, and he hates it. The thing is, he is such an extrovert. He loves people, and loves being around others, but he HATES crowds. He hates being at big events because there comes a point where people get overwhelming and that's where the social anxiety kicks in.

The thing about his anxiety, is he most commonly gets panic attacks. Some are worse than others, but regardless, they happen. When he was younger, around the age where everyone is ignorant and stupid, he had a girlfriend that he wasn't even sure he really had feelings for. They were in highschool and she told him she was interested and well, he said yes. That's just what you did in highschool. Get asked out, and say yes.

Well, being that they were kids, they lacked education. So when he told her about his anxiety and panic attacks, she didn't respond in the most... open minded way.

"You... huh? I thought, panic attacks and all that stuff was for girls. I thought guys were supposed to be tough or something like that."


Thankfully after a few more just weird and morally wrong things she said, Dream broke up with her. But it still stuck. He still feels like he can't open up about his problems because they aren't "manly". But that comes at a price. He has to hide it now. He has to find a way to escape without bringing attention to himself so he can deal with his panic attacks on his own. He knows logically Sapnap would help him. He knows logically Sapnap is the last person to judge him, but he can't help it. Things like that stick and impact you in many ways. Sometimes that means being illogical.

But eventually his problems have to bite him in his own ass. When he and Sapnap are attending a party. He thought everything would be fine. He took his medication before the party, knew to reduce his alcohol intake to one drink because any more could make his anxiety spike, and he made sure to go outside or lock himself in the bathroom for 5 or so minutes whenever he felt himself getting overwhelmed. He was handling the situation perfectly.

Sapnap was having a good time. He was chatting with friends, drinking, not enough to get completely drunk, but enough that he was losing his filter the slightest amount, and participating in all of the party games.

Dream on the other hand just watched. He spoke with a few of his close friends and hung around Sapnap, but other than that, he was just sitting down, drinking water to sober up from the shots he knew he shouldn't have taken. He could already feel the anxiety spiking, he was bouncing his leg more, picking at his nails, and he could feel that oh so familiar tight sensation in his chest becoming more prominent. He thought he could fight through it for a other hour or so, but instead they decided to start playing loud and obnoxious music that apparently everyone but himself enjoyed. Everyone began to scream the lyrics, or just scream in excitement, and that was the last straw for him. The one string holding his entire body intact snapped, and the panic surged through him. His chest crumpled in on itself and it felt like his lungs had shriveled up like a raisin, yet it also felt as though they were about to burst. He needed to get out of here.

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