Confessing for the Past - DreamNap

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Ship/duo/trio: DreamNap (Sry I'm obsessed)

Genre: fluff

Plot: Dream and Sapnap both confess that they used to like each other, and things escalate from there

AU: none

Trigger warnings: none

Sapnap and Dream have always had some romantic tension between them. Ever since they can remember, they've been super flirty with each other. When they were younger it was just stupid sex jokes that barely made any sense, when they were teenagers, they would joke about being jealous of the other's girlfriend, and as they grew older, it became more genuine. Like the kind of flirting someone would do with pretty girl at the bar or club. But it was all jokes. Completely platonic. I mean, when they were teenagers, Sapnap just so happened to come out to Dream as bisexual, and Dream may have joked about "having a chance" but again, all jokes. Sure Dream may have come out to Sapnap and said "I would be willing to try things out with a guy," but he definitely wasn't thinking about Sapnap being such "guy". And Sapnap definitely was practically begging in his mind that he could be the guy, but. It was all jokes. Totally platonic. And besides, Dream and George would make such a good couple. Dream also flirts with George, and he even does it on camera. With Sapnap, they only flirt in private. And it wasn't because they were ashamed of it or something, but it because it was almost a sacred, and meaningful gem. This was private for some reason. But no one was complaining. So, it didn't shock Sapnap when Dream barely looked up from the book he was reading, took a quick breath in, and confessed something that they both kind of knew.

"Y'know, I used to have a huge crush on you," Dream said. Although it wasn't shocking, or astounding, it still got his attention more than most things Dream could say. And although he could go with the simple and flirty answer; "Oh same" and then laugh it off, something in him was pushing him to continue this conversation. The way Dream said it, kind of sounded like he was going somewhere with it, and he didn't want to take that away from him just so he could flirt.

"Really?" Sapnap asked. He put his phone down, and felt himself sinking further into the soft cushions of the large, gray couch, almost like he was bracing for the other's answer.

"Yeah. Multiple times, actually," Dream repeated. That felt like there could be implications. Multiple times? Sapnap, in his curious nature, decided to get Dream to elaborate further. Something was practically making him.

"Damn I really am perfect if you managed to like me multiple times," Sapnap chuckled. "When?" He was just curious. Only curious. It's not like there was a part of him hoping that Dream would reply with a simple "now". It was all completely, and utterly, just out of curiosity. Nothing else.

"Well the first time was when we were teenagers, then I got over you, and then I liked you for the first year that we lived together," Dream explained. He was a bit confused as to why Sapnap was asking so many questions, but he was glad he was.

"Is that why you were so awkward with me for the first year?" Sapnap laughed.

"Yeah," Dream joined in Sapnap's laughter. "You were actually the reason I had my whole sexuality crisis a few years back," Dream stated. Dream was the reason Sapnap realized he was bisexual. That's funny.

"Oh really? That's funny. You were my bisexual awakening," Sapnap said through his fits of laughter.

"Happy to help," Dream said as they calmed down from their giggling.

"Wait so- Multiple times?" Sapnap asked.

"Yeah," Dream chuckled. It definitely isn't just one ongoing thing. Dream's over him now, right?

"Damn. I only had a crush on you once," Sapnap said.

"Yeah? When?" Dream asked. Something in him was... hopeful? Like he was kind of hoping he would say he still likes him. But that's obviously not the case. He's just curious as well. They're just friends. Nothing more. Right?

"When I was... I don't know, maybe 16?" Sapnap estimated. Now he was trying to remember when he got over Dream. Why can't he remember? There's no way he still likes him, but he can't remember when he stopped. Did he ever get over him? What is he thinking, of course he did! He just needs to remember when. Maybe give him an estimate at least?

"And you got over it when?..." Dream asked. It was almost like he was hoping he never did. Almost.

"I-" Sapnap stuttered. "I think I was..." Come on Sapnap, you don't like him anymore. Give him an answer! "I'm not sure," He muttered.

"Did-" Dream started but cut himself off. Was he actually about to ask this?... Fuck it. "Did you ever actually uhm. G-get over it?" He asked.

Now Sapnap really had to think. He genuinely thought he got over him, but maybe he had just become so accustomed to the feeling. After all, he can't actually recall ever getting over him.

"I-... I don't know... I hope- maybe not? this is stupid, I'm sorry," Sapnap stuttered. This was all so confusing. Did he like him? He did have to admit, Dream was quite handsome. He was tall, he had adorable freckles scattered across his entire body, beautiful green eyes with vibrant golden rings around his pupils, and they lit up whenever he saw someone he loved. Especially Sapnap. But that meant nothing, right? Yet he just couldn't get rid of the image of Dream's loving smile. Loving. The way it shone brighter than the sun itself, the way it could put the stars to shame. Just a single giggle could warm Sapnap's heart, a laugh making him more fond than the last. He really did love him, platonically or not. But as of right now, it seemed to be a bit less platonic.

"This isn't stupid, it's just a lot. We don't have to talk about it right now if it's too much-"

"I love you," Sapnap blurted out.

"W-what?" Dream stuttered.

"I still love you. I never stopped loving you. It's almost impossible to stop loving someone like you," Sapnap said. He was confident in his words. One of the reasons he loved the other is because of his loyalty. Even if he didn't love him back, he wouldn't let that get in the way of their friendship. "I just thought I stopped loving you because I got so used to the feeling of it. Loving you just feels natural," Sapnap explained. Dream couldn't help but smile. Partially because he was flattered at the loving words, but primarily because the words were what he has been longing to hear ever since he could remember.

"Can I be completely honest?" Dream asked.

"When are you not?" Sapnap smiled.

"I don't think I ever stopped loving you either. I think I just tried to ignore the feeling so I wouldn't risk losing you," Dream quietly rambled. Sapnap could see Dream getting a bit more shy as he spoke, and smiled.

"So, what would you like to be?" Sapnap asked. Although they were right next to each other on the couch, and their legs were touching, Dream still felt as thought they were too far apart. In an instant, he placed a gentle and caring hand on the other's cheek, closing his eyes and pulling him in for a soft kiss. Sapnap was quite shocked at first, but quickly let himself close his eyes and deepen it. When they pulled away, Dream blushed and smiled, Sapnap giggling.

"Whatever can do that"

1293 words

Guys I'm on a roll rn oml

"I just thought I stopped loving you because I got so used to the feeling of it. Loving you just feels natural"

I'm so glad I wrote that part omg 😭😭😭

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