Too Late - Georgenap

273 4 172

Ship/duo/trio: gnap(I'm changing snf to this just because)

Genre: Angst and hurt - comfort

Plot: after years of rejection, George realizes a bit too late that he's in love with Sapnap. When George finds out that he's talking with a mutual friend of theirs, it doesn't really go well.

Trigger warnings: ED/disordered eating, depression, and talk of suicide.

AUs: none

Also, Tony is gonna be in here but I'm not sure if he js really uncomfortable with this stuff. If he is I can change it up.

Did you know Sapnap used to have the fattest crush on George? It's true. He confessed to George multiple times throughout their years of friendship, and everytime, George would reject him. At first he was nice about it saying things like "oh You're still young, find someone better for you," or "Sorry, I don't like you like that," but eventually, George gave up on kindness. As their bond grew stronger, George felt more comfortable to be downright cruel. Laughing in his face and giving him harsh rejections. He always felt a pang if guilt in his chest, but that was their dynamic. That was how they were, Sapnap knew that.

But he had a problem. All of those years ago, he was so naive and blind to how he felt. Now he realizes that he is stupid in love with Sapnap. Every time he insults him, he wants to hug him and apologize a million times while confessing his love to him. He wants to wake up next to him every morning. He wants to wrap his arms around his waist and kiss his cheeks. He wants to love him.

But when he tells Sapnap, he's met with a response that shatters his world. When he pours his heart out to Sapnap, puts all of his trust in him to be vulnerable like that, he just scoffs in his face and says "so it took you almost 8 years of hurting me and laughing in my face before you realized you felt the same? That's low, even for you. Sorry George, but I'm already talking to someone else," and George was heartbroken.

"W-wait- no-"

"Don't, George. Just don't. I waited for this moment our whole friendship, and when I finally got the message that I wasn't wanted in that way, you decide to go and pull this shit? That's fucked. You- god! You're so fucking selfish," Sapnap sadly scolds before walking off and slamming the front door.

George feels so shitty. So fucking shitty. Partially because he just got the worst rejection of his life- a literal scoff- and partially because he knows how much he hurt Sapnap. He was in the wrong and he knew that.

He deserved so much more than a little scoff. Sapnap should have pointed and laughed, humiliated him in front of all of their friends and get them to laugh too. That was a better punishment for hurting Sapnap.

But Sapnap said he was talking to someone else, and George was fuming. They probably had no idea what they had. They probably thought of Sapnap as just another hookup when they should be thanking Sapnap just for taking the time to look in their direction. But when he found out that this 'someone' was a mutual friend if theirs', he felt a bit better. But also worse. At least he would be cared for. At least he would be taken care of, and he wouldn't be hurt. If he was being completely honest with himself, he would probably treat Sapnap 10x better than George ever could.

But sadly, this has also cause a drift between George and their friend.

Everytime Sapnap announces he's going out, George mutters something like "to see that asshole again?" To himself, but Sapnap always hears. Sapnap always just says something like "cut it out" or "Shut the fuck up," and he means it those times. He doesn't have that fond smile or endearing tone when he says it, no. He's genuinely upset at George.

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